
Politicians and Statesmen, Painters' Portraits and Self-Portraits, Scientists, Rulers, Emperors and Kings, Musicians and Composers, Writers and Poets.

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5,164 photos
Bani Anta, daughter of Pharaoh Ramses II               
(1290-1224 BCE), stands between the legs               
of Pharoh Ramses II's colossal statue                  
in the Temple of Amun in Karnak, Egypt.

Bani Anta, daughter of Pharaoh Ramses II (1290-1224 BCE), stands...

Court in the small temple of Ramses III                
(1193-1162 BCE), dedicated to god Amun.                
The court is lined with colossal statues               
of the Pharoh as Osiris (with arms crossed)            
(12th BCE), 20th Dynasty, New Kingdom, Egypt.

Court in the small temple of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE), dedicat...

Ramses II appears in these statues as Osiris (crossed  
arms), as Pharaoh of Upper Egypt, Pharaoh of all of    
Egypt (wearing the pshent, the double crown) and again 
as Osiris. Court behind the sixth pylon, Temple of     
Amun (13th BCE), 19th Dynasty, New Kingdom, Karnak.

Ramses II appears in these statues as Osiris (crossed arms), as Pharaoh of Upp...

The Pharaoh in his war chariot. Outer wall of the      
temple of Ramses III (1193-1162), 20th Dynasty,        
New Kingdom. Medinet Habu, Egypt.

The Pharaoh in his war chariot. Outer wall of the temple of Ramses III (11...

Pharaoh Seti I as Osiris, with insignia and typical    
pose with arms crossed. Relief from one of the chapels 
leading off from the inner Hypostyle Hall in the       
Temple of Abydos
#080113 8

Pharaoh Seti I as Osiris, with insignia and typical pose with arms crossed....

Pharaoh Seti I worshipping. One of the side chapels    
of the inner Hypostyle Hall of the temple of Abydos.   
The Pharaoh is shown with a rattle and the sun-disk.   
19th Dynasty (1305-1196 BCE), New Kingdom, Egypt.

Pharaoh Seti I worshipping. One of the side chapels of the inner Hypostyle H...

Pharaoh offers perfume to a god. From one of the side  
chapels of the inner Hypostyle Hall, Great Temple of   
Seti I, Abydos, Egypt. 19th Dynasty (1305-1196 BCE),   
New Kingdom.

Pharaoh offers perfume to a god. From one of the side chapels of the inner Hyp...

Ruins of the city of Tanis in the Nile delta.          
The reconstructed gate of a large, Ramesside           
temple of Amun and a head of a pharaoh's statue.       
(13th BCE), 19th Dynasty, New Kingdom, Egypt.

Ruins of the city of Tanis in the Nile delta. The reconstructed gate o...

The reconstructed gate of a large Amun Temple,         
a triad of local gods, a statue of Pharaoh Ramses II,  
and the head of another statue (all 13th BCE),         
from the ruins of Tanis, Nile River delta, Egypt.

The reconstructed gate of a large Amun Temple, a triad of local gods, a...

Female figure, with raised arms (dancer?)              
4000-3000 BCE, predynastic, Nagada I                   
Ivory, H:20 cm
#080114 2

Female figure, with raised arms (dancer?) 4000-3000 BCE, predynast...

Horus and Pharaoh Horemheb, last ruler of the 18th     
dynasty. Horemheb was not of royal descent; he is      
shown here of equal rank with Horus, who holds a       
protective arm behind the pharaoh.                     
Limestone, New Kingdom, 18th dynasty, end 14th BCE

Horus and Pharaoh Horemheb, last ruler of the 18th dynasty. Horemheb was n...

Figurines of Akhnaton and Nefertiti,18th dynasty,
later than 1345 BCE.                   
Amarna period, 1365-1347 BCE                           
Limestone, H: 22,2 cm                                  
Inv. E 15539

Figurines of Akhnaton and Nefertiti,18th dynasty, later than 1345 BCE....