The Gulf of Morbihan ("Little Sea"), location of 3000 megalit...
Lines of menhirs ending in a chromlech. There are 1099 upright stones arra...
#070202 2
Seated female idol from Malta. Stone
#070202 3
Standing female idol. Stone, from Tarxien, Mal...
#070202 4
The "sleeping woman of Malta". Reclining female idol...
#070202 5
"Glockenbecher", a bell-shaped goblet which gave its name to a culture of the...
#070202 6
Vase with stylized anthropomorphous ornaments. From Train, Romania....
#070202 7
Painted vase, from Trusesti, Romania....
#070202 8
Globular vase from the cave of Domica, Slovakia. Terracotta...
#070202 9
Square vessel with scratch-design, human figure, perhaps a goddess, with...
Clay vessel in form of a wagon with four wheels. The first representation...
Two clay vessels in form of wagons with four wheels. The first representation...