403 photos
The Gulf of Morbihan ("Little Sea"),                   
location of 3000 megaliths, menhirs                    
and dolmens in Brittany. 5000-2000 BCE.                
Neolithic to Early Bronze Age.

The Gulf of Morbihan ("Little Sea"), location of 3000 megalit...

Lines of menhirs ending in a chromlech. There are      
1099 upright stones arranged in thirteen rows          
in the alignment of Menec, Carnac,Brittany.

Lines of menhirs ending in a chromlech. There are 1099 upright stones arra...

Seated female idol from Malta.                         
#070202 2

Seated female idol from Malta. Stone

Standing female idol.                                  
Stone, from Tarxien, Malta
#070202 3

Standing female idol. Stone, from Tarxien, Mal...

The "sleeping woman of Malta".                         
Reclining female idol                                  
on a bed with four legs.                               
Terracotta, from the Hypogeum                          
near Tarxien, Malta. Length 16 cm
#070202 4

The "sleeping woman of Malta". Reclining female idol...

"Glockenbecher", a bell-shaped goblet which gave its   
name to a culture of the late neolithic or copper      
period. From Laa an der Thaya, Lower Austria.          
Inv. 36642
#070202 5

"Glockenbecher", a bell-shaped goblet which gave its name to a culture of the...

Vase with stylized anthropomorphous ornaments.         
From Train, Romania.                                   
Height 48 cm                                           
Inv. 13.787
#070202 6

Vase with stylized anthropomorphous ornaments. From Train, Romania....

Painted vase,                                          
from Trusesti, Romania.                                
Height 38 cm                                           
Inv. 12.150
#070202 7

Painted vase, from Trusesti, Romania....

Globular vase from the cave of Domica, Slovakia.       
Height 10 cm                                           
Inv. 28.472
#070202 8

Globular vase from the cave of Domica, Slovakia. Terracotta...

Square vessel with scratch-design, human figure,       
perhaps a goddess, with raised arms, standing          
between trees.                                         
Height 10 cm
#070202 9

Square vessel with scratch-design, human figure, perhaps a goddess, with...

Clay vessel in form of a wagon with four wheels.       
The first representation of a wagon in Europe          
(2nd Mill. BCE) from Budakalasz, grave 177.            
Height 8.1 cm, length 9.2 cm                           

Clay vessel in form of a wagon with four wheels. The first representation...

Two clay vessels in form of wagons with four wheels.   
The first representation of wagons in Europe           
(2nd Mill. BCE) from grave 177 in Budakalasz, Hungary.

Two clay vessels in form of wagons with four wheels. The first representation...