403 photos
Vase in form of a hedgehog,                            
from Gjundi, Bulgaria.                                 
Height 10 cm, length 16 cm                             
Inv. 342

Vase in form of a hedgehog, from Gjundi, Bulgaria....

Anthropomorphous vase                                  
from Dolnoslav, Bulharia                               
Height 13 cm                                           
Inv. DS 1424

Anthropomorphous vase from Dolnoslav, Bulharia...

Funerary object. Large circular terracotta plate       
of swastika-like design painted with gold-dust.        
From tomb 4, Varna I, Bulgaria.                        
Diameter 52 cm                                         
Inv. VEN 221

Funerary object. Large circular terracotta plate of swastika-like design...

Flat figures of bovines. From grave 36, Varna I,       
Bulgaria. Late Neolithic, copper period.               
Gold, length 6.5 cm                                    
Inv. VEN 634, 639

Flat figures of bovines. From grave 36, Varna I, Bulgaria. Late Neolithic...

Hagar Qim Temple ("The stones of prayer") in Malta.    
Built of vertically arranged monoliths, some between   
4 and 7 m high and weighing 20 tons; temple rooms have 
two apses on either side. Figures of fertility- or     
mothergoddesses were found (4th mill. BCE).
#070203 1

Hagar Qim Temple ("The stones of prayer") in Malta. Built of vertically arra...

The undulating facade of Hagar Qim Temple, Malta.      
Temples consist of several rectangular halls with      
apses on either side, forming oval rooms connected     
by narrow corridors or stone "windows". The Hagar Qim  
monoliths are 4 to 7 m high and weigh up to 200 tons.
#070203 2

The undulating facade of Hagar Qim Temple, Malta. Temples consist of sever...

Entrance gate to the Hagar Qim temple complex, Malta.  
To the right and left of the gate run low benches      
on which offerings were placed. Some of the            
monoliths at Hagar Qim are 4-7 m high and weigh        
up to 20 tons (4th mill. BCE).
#070203 3

Entrance gate to the Hagar Qim temple complex, Malta. To the right and left of...

Small altars and benches in a recess in the Hagar Qim  
temple complex in Malta. Hagar Qim is built of         
vertically arranged monoliths, some between 4 and 7 m  
high and weighing up to 20 tons (4th mill. BCE).
#070203 4

Small altars and benches in a recess in the Hagar Qim temple complex in Malta....

One of the "apses", oval ends of temple rooms,         
at Hagar Qim, Malta. Narrow corridors and doors        
with heavy monolith lintels connect the temple rooms   
(4th mill. BCE).
#070203 5

One of the "apses", oval ends of temple rooms, at Hagar Qim, Malta. Nar...

Huge monoliths loom above the oval ending of one       
of the temple rooms at the Hagar Qim temple complex,   
Malta. The temple consists of several oval rooms;      
Upright monoliths are between 4 and 7 m high and weigh 
up to 20 tons (4th mill. BCE).
#070203 6

Huge monoliths loom above the oval ending of one of the temple rooms at t...

Temple room at Hagar Qim, Malta, seen through one of   
the "window stones", carved out of monoliths. Hagar    
Qim is considered the world's oldest megalith          
architecture; some of the vertically arranged stones   
weigh up to 20 tons (4th mill. BCE).
#070203 7

Temple room at Hagar Qim, Malta, seen through one of the "window stones", car...

Small altar and "window-stone" in Hagar Qim Temple,    
Malta. Such openings connect the various oval rooms    
in the Neolithic temples on Malta (4th mill. BCE)
#070203 8

Small altar and "window-stone" in Hagar Qim Temple, Malta. Such openings con...