403 photos
"Window-stone", an opening which connects the temple   
rooms at Hagar Qim, Malta. Some monoliths used for     
building the temples in Malta are between 4  and 7 m   
high and weigh up to 20 tons (4th mill. BCE).
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"Window-stone", an opening which connects the temple rooms at Hagar Qim, Malt...

Mnajdra Temple in Malta lies far from all              
settlements, 100 m above the Mediterranean.            
The temple complex consists of kidney-shaped           
rooms connected by "windows-stones" and narrow         
corridors (4th mill. BCE).

Mnajdra Temple in Malta lies far from all settlements, 100 m above...

Entrance gate to the Mnajdra Temple complex, Malta.    
The entrance was originally covered by a heavy         
monolith lintel. Benches right and left of the door    
were used for offerings (4th mill. BCE).

Entrance gate to the Mnajdra Temple complex, Malta. The entrance was origina...

"Window-stone" in the Mnajdra Temple, Malta.           
Such openings connect the various, oval-shaped         
temple rooms, or lead to small recesses with altars    
(4th mill. BCE).

"Window-stone" in the Mnajdra Temple, Malta. Such openings connect th...

Dot-ornaments on a "window-stone" at Mnajdra Temple,   
Malta. The Malta temples are considered the world's    
oldest megalith constructions (4th mill. BCE).

Dot-ornaments on a "window-stone" at Mnajdra Temple, Malta. The Malta temples...

Entrance gate of the Mnajdra temple complex, Malta,    
seen from the interior. Mnajdra is situated far        
from all settlements, 100 m above the Mediterranean    
(4th mill. BCE).

Entrance gate of the Mnajdra temple complex, Malta, seen from the interior....

A tall monolith looms above an "apse" at the Mnajdra   
temple complex, Malta. Some of the vertical monoliths  
used in the Maltese neolithic temples are between      
4 and 7 m high and weigh up to 20 tons (4th mill. BCE).

A tall monolith looms above an "apse" at the Mnajdra temple complex, Malta. S...

An altar in the Tarxien temple complex, situated       
in a busy suburb of the town of Tarxien, Malta.        
Tarxien Temple consists of four individual temples;    
walls and altars are decorated with spiral ornaments   
(4th mill. BCE).

An altar in the Tarxien temple complex, situated in a busy suburb of the...

Altar room at Tarxien temple. The stones lining        
the platform are decorated with a spiral ornament      
(4th mill. BCE).

Altar room at Tarxien temple. The stones lining the platform are decorat...

Altar room at the Tarxien Temple, Malta. The           
temple complex, situated in a busy suburb of           
the town of Tarxien, is famous for its finely          
polished stone and spiral ornaments (4th mill. BCE).

Altar room at the Tarxien Temple, Malta. The temple complex, situated...

One of the "apses" or oval ends of a cult room in      
Tarxien Temple, Malta. The temple complex is situated  
in a busy suburb of the town of Tarxien and is famous  
for its finely polished monoliths and spiral ornaments 
(4th mill. BCE).

One of the "apses" or oval ends of a cult room in Tarxien Temple, Malta. T...

Ruins of Skorba Temple, near Zebbieh, Malta            
(4th mill. BCE).

Ruins of Skorba Temple, near Zebbieh, Malta (4th mill. BCE).