403 photos
Ceremonial sickles made of bone; tops are carved       
in the form of animal heads.
#080513 2

Ceremonial sickles made of bone; tops are carved in the form of animal he...

Human figure, pre-pottery Al-Ghazal period, Jordan.    
On 30 years' loan from the Amman (Jordan) Museum       
to the Louvre. The head is formed of clay over a       
human skull. H:90 cm
#080513 6

Human figure, pre-pottery Al-Ghazal period, Jordan. On 30 years' loan from t...

Head of a female figure,Keros,Syros group,
Spedos figure type.
Early Cycladic Period,ca.2700-2300 BCE.                         
Marble, 27 x 14,5 cm                                  
MA 3095
#100103 1

Head of a female figure,Keros,Syros group, Spedos figure type. Early Cycladic...

Female idol.                                           
Marble statue (2nd mill. BCE)                          
from Chalandriani, Isle of Syros, Greece               
Height 46 cm                                           
Inv. 6174
#100103 2

Female idol. Marble statue (2nd mill....

Female idol.                                           
Marble statue (2000 BCE)                               
from Amorgos, Greece                                   
Height 149 cm                                          
Inv. 3978
#100103 3

Female idol. Marble statue (2000 BCE)...

Female statue.                                         
Clay with dark brown paint and white ornaments         
(2200 BCE) from Melos, Greece                          
Height 18 cm                                           
Inv. 653
#100103 4

Female statue. Clay with dark brown pai...

Two ducks with dark brown paint.                       
Grey clay vase (3rd mill. BCE)                         
found in a tomb at Seraya,                             
Isle of Cos, Greece                                    
Height 16 cm
#100103 5

Two ducks with dark brown paint. Grey clay vase (3rd mill...

Smokehole or "fumarole" in the mud of the crater of    
Solfatara, one of the extinvt volcanoes of the         
Phlegrean Fields near Pozzuoli,Italy. Such a sight may 
have inspired the myth of the Cyclops Poliphem,the one-
eyed giant of the Odyssee.

Smokehole or "fumarole" in the mud of the crater of Solfatara, one of the ex...

The rocky coast of Corsica,in the Odyssee home of the  
Lestrygones,canibal-giants who devour some of          
Ulysses companions.

The rocky coast of Corsica,in the Odyssee home of the Lestrygones,canibal-gian...

Young man, statue with Latin inscription on the left   
leg, probably an offering by Italian merchants to      
the Gods of Noricum. The statue was venerated in the   
temple of the oppidum on Magdalensberg, Austria.       
(16th c. copy, original lost) Height 185 cm. Inv. VI 1
#100202 1

Young man, statue with Latin inscription on the left leg, probably an offerin...

Clay drinking vessel.                                  
Male figure (3rd mill. BCE)                            
Size 15 cm                                             
Inv. 2957
#120101 1

Clay drinking vessel. Male figure (3rd mill. B...

Marble idol from the Razgrad District                  
(3rd mill. BCE)                                        
Size 33 cm                                             
Inv. 770
#120101 2

Marble idol from the Razgrad District (3rd mill. BCE)...