"Extern stones",freestanding sandstone rocks in Horn near Detmold,Germany. The...
The walls of the cave of Magura are covered with cave-paintings showing men danc...
The walls of the cave of Magura are covered with cave-paintings showing men danc...
Quadrilateral of Manio,stones lined up in a square.
Tumulus "Butte de Caesar", Gulf of Morbihan. According to legend, Caesar directe...
The Gouffre at Padirac, France.
Copy of a gold stater, Iron Age, 3rd. During the third century, the Celtic peopl...
Ancestral monolith (atal) of the Bakor-clan,Nigeria. Such stones are placed u...
Double vase,classical style. Chavin Culture, 800 BCE
Female figure,terracotta of the Evolutivo Formativo period. Idol, 5th CE.
Treasure of Senor de Sipan: small metal heads,part of a necklace for members of...
Silver pectoral from Lambayeque,Peru.