1,211 photos
Fortifications of the city of Ai, Israel, a Canaanite
city east of Beit El. Abraham pitched his tent here
and returned to Ai after his sojourn in Egypt. Joshua
was defeated at Ai and conquered the city only after
a second attempt (Joshua 7:1)

Fortifications of the city of Ai, Israel, a Canaanite city east of Beit El. Abra...

Jericho, Israel, and general view of the Mountains of  
Moab. Jericho is one of the world's oldest settlements 
situated in a fertile oasis. The "Horns of Jericho"    
were used during Joshua's conquest.                    
(Joshua 2:1)

Jericho, Israel, and general view of the Mountains of Moab. Jericho is one of...

Jericho, Israel. The Oasis of Jericho seen against the 
surrounding desert. The "Horns of Jericho" were used   
during Joshua's conquest (Joshua 2:1)

Jericho, Israel. The Oasis of Jericho seen against the surrounding desert. The...

The remaining walls of the ancient city of Jericho     
(Tell-El-Sultan), Israel, probably destroyed by an     
earthquake in the 2nd millenium. Jericho is one of     
the world's oldest towns.                              
Archaeological finds date back 9000 years.

The remaining walls of the ancient city of Jericho (Tell-El-Sultan), Israel...

The desert north of Jericho, Israel

The desert north of Jericho, Israel

Qumran, Israel, on the coast of the Dead Sea, a first  
monastic settlement of the Essene Sect developed during
the Hasmonean Kingdom (around 130 BCE). Picture shows  
openings of the caves in which the Dead Sea scrolls    
were discovered.

Qumran, Israel, on the coast of the Dead Sea, a first monastic settlement of t...

Entrance gate to a first monastic settlement of the    
Essene Sect in Qumran, Israel, developed during the    
reign of Hasmonean King John Hyrcanus (around 130 BCE)

Entrance gate to a first monastic settlement of the Essene Sect in Qumran, I...

A ritual bath of a first monastic settlement of the    
Essene Sect in Qumran, developed around 130 BCE        
during the reign of the Hasmonean King John Hyrcanus.

A ritual bath of a first monastic settlement of the Essene Sect in Qumran, d...

Qumran on the shores of the Dead Sea, Israel. A water  
duct in the monastic settlement of the Essene Sect     
developed around 130 BCE during the reign of the       
Hasmonean King John Hyrcanus

Qumran on the shores of the Dead Sea, Israel. A water duct in the monastic set...

A storm over the Dead Sea, Israel.                     
With 398 m below sea level it                          
is the lowest point on earth.

A storm over the Dead Sea, Israel. With 398 m below sea lev...

Salt deposits on the shores of the Dead Sea. With      
398 m below sea level, the Dead Sea is the lowest      
point on earth.

Salt deposits on the shores of the Dead Sea. With 398 m below sea level, t...

The Dead Sea, Israel, with crests of salt. With 398 m below sea level, the Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth.

The Dead Sea, Israel, with crests of salt. With 398 m below sea level, the Dead...