The "Scorpion Path", in biblical times the frontier of Judah against the Edo...
Oasis and waterfall of Ein Gedi, Israel, on the western shore of the Dea...
The Fortress Masada on the shores of the Dead Sea, Israel; a castle of the...
View from the Fortress of Masada, Israel, down to the Dead Sea; a castle of th...
The Roman camp at the foot of Masada, Israel. The Fortress was the final r...
Arad, Israel, a large, fortified Chalcolitic and Early Bronze Age settlem...
A wall of the fortress of Arad, Israel, a large, fortified Chalcolitic an...
Arava, Israel, a wide valley which stretches from the southern end of the Dead...
Arava, Israel, a wide valley which stretches from the southern end of the Dead...
Arava, Israel, a wide valley which stretches from the southern end of the Dead...
Arava, Israel, a wide valley which stretches from the southern end of the Dead...
Arava, Israel, a near-desert valley stretches from the southern end of the Dead...