The Red Rocks of Timna, Israel, ancient copper mines in the Arava Desert, pop...
Hathor Temple in Timna, Israel. Next to the copper mines, two temples dedic...
Timnah, Israel, "King Solomon's Pillars", red rock formations in the A...
Tomb of King Herod the Great, Jerusalem. Central hall with four chambers, seal...
Herodion, Israel. Herod the Great's splendid fortress- palace built on an artif...
Herodion, Israel, Herod the Great's splendid fortress- palace built on an artif...
The base of the old tower, remains of a Davidic wall on Ophel Hill, Jerusalem...
Remains of the Davidic wall on Ophel Hill, Jerusalem, Israel. Jesus passed her...
Jerusalem, Israel, view from the Mount of Olives.
Jerusalem, Israel, view from the Mount of Olives, Dome of the Rock in cent...
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Banyas, an antique cave sanctuary of the Greek god Pan. Statues of the god and n...
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Banyas, an antique cave sanctuary of the Greek god Pan. Statues of the god and n...