1,211 photos
Grapes. Detail of the floor                            
mosaic in the synagogue of Naaran                      
near Jericho (Ain Duk)

Grapes. Detail of the floor mosaic in the synagogue...

Torah tabernacle. Detail of the floor                  
mosaic in the synagogue of Hammath                     
near Tiberias

Torah tabernacle. Detail of the floor mosaic in the synagogue...

Menorah with Lulav and Etrog. Mosaic                   
from the synagogue in Hammath near Tiberias

Menorah with Lulav and Etrog. Mosaic from the synagogue in Ha...

Basket with bread between two fish. Mosaic from        
the ancient church of the "Multiplication of the       
Loaves" in Tabgah, northern shore of Lake Genezareth,  

Basket with bread between two fish. Mosaic from the ancient church of th...

Heron and snake on a lotus flower. Detail from         
the floor mosaic in the ancient "Church of the         
Multiplication of the Loaves" in Tabgah, northern      
shore of Lake Genezareth, Israel.

Heron and snake on a lotus flower. Detail from the floor mosaic in the...

Nilometer. Mosaic from the ancient "Church of          
the Multiplication of the Loaves" in Tabgah on         
the northern shore of Lake Genezareth, Israel.

Nilometer. Mosaic from the ancient "Church of the Multiplication of th...

Vase in the form of a lotus flower                     
from Lachish                                           
(1550-1200 BCE) Late Bronze Age
#080509 1

Vase in the form of a lotus flower from Lachish...

Bronze necklace from Mycenae.                          
(1550-1200 BCE) Late Bronze
#080509 2

Bronze necklace from Mycenae. (1550-1200 BCE) Late Bro...

Necklace, gold and carnelian,                          
from Dir El Balach.                                    
(1550-1100 BCE) Late Bronze/Iron Age I
#080509 4

Necklace, gold and carnelian, from Dir El Balach....

Mirror with handle in the shape of a woman             
from Gaza.                                             
#080509 5

Mirror with handle in the shape of a woman from Gaza....

A lotus flower in full                                 
bloom, flanked by two                                  
lotus bluds, from Israel.                              
Engraved shell (1200-930 BCE)                          
5.8 x 3.8 cm
#080509 6

A lotus flower in full bloom, flanked by two...

Dice, bone and bronze, a piece for draughts;           
bone and almond shaped theatre ticket;                 
bone, engraved, probably from the theatre              
of Herod in Caesarea.                                  
Roman, Bar Kochba Period (1st and 2nd CE)
#080509 8

Dice, bone and bronze, a piece for draughts; bone and almond shaped t...