#080509 9
Necklace (44 cm) and two pairs of earrings from a tomb cave south o...
Two hairpins (right), female figurines with elaborate hairdo, bone,...
Pottery jar from Bethlehem (1850-1550 BCE), height: 12.6 cm; necklac...
"Syrian bottle" (left) from Gaza, bronze (1550-1200 BCE),...
Pilgrim's bottle from Ein Samya. Size: 31.7 cm
Composite vessel, pomegranates in a cluster around the...
Beer jug (left) from Jerusalem (10th BCE) Iron Age II,...
Drinking cup (left) from Hebron area, 14.5 cm; bottle (right) from Hebr...
Three-legged cult vessel, tripod, perforated pottery from...
Two-handled jar from Dir El Balach, Gaza Stri...
Decanters from Hebron. (8th BCE) Iron Age II
Jugs from Hebron area. (8th BCE) Iron Age II