1,211 photos
Bowl with anse from Jerusalem.                         
Bronze, Roman-Hellenistic                              
Diameter: 18.9 cm

Bowl with anse from Jerusalem. Bronze, Roman-Hellenisti...

Two tweezers, a spatula, and                           
a small ladle, from Bethlehem.                         
Bronze, Second Temple Period,                          
Late Hellenistic-Herodian

Two tweezers, a spatula, and a small ladle, from Beth...

Incense burner shaped like a pomegranate               
with branch and six leaves, from Jordan.               
Size: 19.5 cm

Incense burner shaped like a pomegranate with branch and six leav...

Ladle from Jerusalem.                                  
Bronze, (1st CE) Roman                                 
Spoon from Bethlehem.                                  
Gold-plated bronze, (1st BCE) Herodian                 
Length: 13.4 cm

Ladle from Jerusalem. Bronze, (1st CE) Roman...

Handles of sarcophagi shaped like lion's heads         
from Jerusalem.                                        
Bronze, (1st BCE) Herodian

Handles of sarcophagi shaped like lion's heads from Jerusalem....

Safety pin, bronze.                                    
Length: 7.4 cm                                         
Cosmetics stick in a bone shaft.                       
Bronze and bone                                        
Length: 14.7 cm

Safety pin, bronze. Length: 7.4 cm...

Two mirrors, one from Jerusalem,                       
the other from the Bethlehem area.                     
Bronze, (early 1st CE) Herodian                        
Diameters: 16.7 cm and 13.7 cm

Two mirrors, one from Jerusalem, the other from the Bethl...

Beauty cases from the Jerusalem area.                  
Bronze, (early 1st CE) Herodian

Beauty cases from the Jerusalem area. Bronze, (early 1st CE) H...

Oil-lamp, handle in the form                           
of a stylized palm leaf.                               
Bronze, Herodian/Roman Period                          
Length: 16 cm

Oil-lamp, handle in the form of a stylized palm leaf....

Breast plate (fragment) of                             
27 small, perforated bronze plates,                    
from a cave on the Dead Sea.                           
(132-145 CE) Bar Kochba Period

Breast plate (fragment) of 27 small, perforated bro...

Incense shovel, handle formed like                     
a bust of a woman with headdress.                      
Bronze (1st-2nd CE)

Incense shovel, handle formed like a bust of a woman with h...

Two incense shovels with tiny                          
legs and pillar-shaped handles.                        
Length: 23 and 25 cm

Two incense shovels with tiny legs and pillar-shaped h...