Bowls, pottery. (8th BCE) Iron Age
Incense spoon from Bethlehem Marble (8th BCE) Iron Ag...
Two incense spoons shaped like hands. Black serpentine stone (...
Four votive chairs from Hebron (8th BCE) Iron Age II...
Four oil lamps from the Hebron area...
Ink pot from the scriptorium in Qumran. Herodian/Hasmonaean (?)...
Three bricks from Jerusalem stamped "LEGIO DECIMA FRETENSIS", the legion w...
Oil-lamp with a menorah on either side of the wick, from the He...
Oil lamp with menorah design from a tomb near Hebron....
Oil lamp with menorah design from Jerusalem....
Lance head from Zur Bachar near Jerusalem....
Sieve and bowl. Persian Style...