1,211 photos
Fertility figure,                                      
from Jerusalem, Israel.                                
Terracotta, Iron Age II

Fertility figure, from Jerusalem, Israel....

Edomite figurine,                                      
bought in Jerusalem                                    
Pottery, Iron Age II                                   
Height 5.7 cm

Edomite figurine, bought in Jerusalem...

Red jasper seal with winged uraeus (snake),            
from Jerusalem, Israel.                                
Length 1.8 cm

Red jasper seal with winged uraeus (snake), from Jerusalem, Israel....

Three little houses (altars)                           
from Maresha, Beth Gobrin area, Israel.                
Limestone, Persian Period                              
Length: 5-10 cm

Three little houses (altars) from Maresha, Beth Gobri...

Figurine of a warrior holding a bow in                 
his left hand. Lower part is missing.                  
Bought in Jerusalem, Israel.                           
Pottery, Persian Period                                
Height: 10.7 cm

Figurine of a warrior holding a bow in his left hand. Lower par...

Head with laurel wreath,                               
bought in Jerusalem                                    
Limestone, Hellenistic Period                          
Height 11.3 cm

Head with laurel wreath, bought in Jerusalem...

Nude warrior with round shield,                        
from Jerusalem.Hellenistic period                      
Bronze figurine                                        
Height 6.8 cm

Nude warrior with round shield, from Jerusalem.Hellenist...

Female nude; head, arms and feet                       
missing,from Jerusalem,Israel.                         
See also 08-05-10/57                                   
Pottery figurine Hellenistic Period                    
Height 11.4 cm

Female nude; head, arms and feet missing,from Jerusalem,I...

Female nude (frontal view); head, arms, and            
feet missing, from Jerusalem, Israel.                  
See also 08-05-10/56                                   
Pottery figurine,Hellenistic Period                    
Height 11.4 cm

Female nude (frontal view); head, arms, and feet missing, from Jerus...

Goddess Astarte,                                       
from the Gaza Strip, Israel.                           
Pottery figurine                                       
Height 16 cm

Goddess Astarte, from the Gaza Strip, Isr...

Girl holding a dove,                                   
from Jericho district, Israel.                         
Plaster figurine, Late                                 
Hellenistic/Early Roman Period                         
Height 13.9 cm

Girl holding a dove, from Jericho district, I...

Seated pregnant woman with necklace,                   
two bracelets, and rich headwear,                      
bought in Jerusalem.                                   
Pottery figurine                                       
Height 20.1 cm

Seated pregnant woman with necklace, two bracelets, and rich...