Hollow brownish altar, bought in Jerusalem....
Fragment of a sarcophagus with portrait of a man,...
Part of a Hebrew alphabet tablet with ten letters, Shin t...
Brown jasper seal with Hebrew inscription: Lidnihu son of Nadnihu....
Ostracon (potsherd) with Hebrew inscription: Your son Ye...
Letter from the commander of the fortress of Lachish, announcing the fall to...
Disc with Aramaic alphabet written twice, probably by a pupil, for...
Name of Jesus in Greek (above) and in Hebrew (below). From the inscriptions fo...
Brick with the name "legio X fretensis", the Roman legion which destr...
Greek inscription: "(BONES) OF JUDAS THE YOUNGER, PROSELYTE", written with char...
Prayer written in Greek on a potsherd: "HAVE MERCY ON ME IN FLESH AND BONE"...
"LORD JESUS CHRIST, COME TO MY HELP" Greek inscription (fragm...