1,211 photos
Hollow brownish altar,                                 
bought in Jerusalem.                                   
Height 12 cm

Hollow brownish altar, bought in Jerusalem....

Fragment of a sarcophagus                              
with portrait of a man,                                
from the Hebron area, Israel.

Fragment of a sarcophagus with portrait of a man,...

Part of a Hebrew alphabet tablet                       
with ten letters, Shin to R,                           
found near Hebron, Israel.                             
Stone, Early Iron Age II                               
3 x 1.7 x 4.2 cm - Inv. H 815

Part of a Hebrew alphabet tablet with ten letters, Shin t...

Brown jasper seal with Hebrew inscription:             
Lidnihu son of Nadnihu. Found near Jerusalem.          
(800-700 BCE) Iron Age I                               
1.8 x 1.2 x 2.1 cm                                     
Inv. R.E.H. 105

Brown jasper seal with Hebrew inscription: Lidnihu son of Nadnihu....

Ostracon (potsherd) with Hebrew                        
inscription: Your son Yehukal ...                      
From Arad, Israel.

Ostracon (potsherd) with Hebrew inscription: Your son Ye...

Letter from the commander of the fortress of Lachish,  
announcing the fall to Syrian troops of Aseka, another 
outpost on the road to Jerusalem. A sentence reads:    
"I do not see the lights of Aseka anymore ..."  Clay  
sherd covered with reed-pen and carbon ink writing.

Letter from the commander of the fortress of Lachish, announcing the fall to...

Disc with Aramaic alphabet written twice,              
probably by a pupil, for practice,                     
found in the furnace of the Herodion.                  
Terracotta, Roman Period

Disc with Aramaic alphabet written twice, probably by a pupil, for...

Name of Jesus in Greek (above) and in Hebrew (below).  
From the inscriptions found at Dominus Flevit,         
Jerusalem, Israel. The Franciscan Monastery was built  
on this spot where, according to tradition, Jesus was  
flagged. Terracotta

Name of Jesus in Greek (above) and in Hebrew (below). From the inscriptions fo...

Brick with the name "legio X fretensis", the           
Roman legion which destroyed Jerusalem in 70 CE.       

Brick with the name "legio X fretensis", the Roman legion which destr...

Greek inscription: "(BONES) OF JUDAS THE YOUNGER,
PROSELYTE", written with charcoal on the outside of an
ossuary from Dominus Flevit, the Franciscan monastery
built on the spot where, according to tradition, Jesus
was flogged.

Greek inscription: "(BONES) OF JUDAS THE YOUNGER, PROSELYTE", written with char...

Prayer written in Greek on a potsherd: "HAVE MERCY     
ON ME IN FLESH AND BONE", found under the 5th century  
mosaic floor of the octagonal church at Kapharnaum     
(house of Petrus) on the Lake of Galilee, Israel.      
6.4 x 5 x 1 cm

Prayer written in Greek on a potsherd: "HAVE MERCY ON ME IN FLESH AND BONE"...

"LORD JESUS CHRIST, COME TO MY HELP"                   
Greek inscription (fragmentary) from                   
the house of Petrus in Kapharnaum, Israel.

"LORD JESUS CHRIST, COME TO MY HELP" Greek inscription (fragm...