560 photos
Assyrian warriors with maces. Bas-relief               
on an orthostat showing different branches             
of the Assyrian army. Period of Tiglat Pileser III     
(744-727 BCE) from a doorway at Hadatu (Arslan Tash),  
Northern Syria.

Assyrian warriors with maces. Bas-relief on an orthostat showing...

Statue of a hero taming a lion (Gilgamesh, legendary   
king of Uruk?) from the palace of Sargon II, king      
of Assur (722-705 BCE) in Khorsabad. The colossal      
statues of genii protected the entrance to the throne  
room.   H: 445 cm     AO 19861

Statue of a hero taming a lion (Gilgamesh, legendary king of Uruk?) from the...

Statue of a hero taming a lion.(Gilgamesch?) Palace    
of Sargon II, King of Assur (722-705 BCE) in Khorsabad.
These colossal statues of genii protected the entrance 
to the throne room.                                    
H: 445 cm                   AO 19862

Statue of a hero taming a lion.(Gilgamesch?) Palace of Sargon II, King of A...

Bulls with wings and human heads, benign genii         
and gate-keepers in the palace of king Sargon II       
of Assur (722-705), Khorsabad.                         
H: 400 cm                                              
AO 19858

Bulls with wings and human heads, benign genii and gate-keepers in the...

Ashurnazirpal under an umbrella on his chariot,        
leaving for the hunt.

Ashurnazirpal under an umbrella on his chariot, leaving for the hunt.

Man and dog, protectors of the home.
Bronze, H: 7,4 cm
From Niniveh
BM 94346

Man and dog, protectors of the home. Bronze, H: 7,4 cm From Niniveh BM 94346

Umanaldash III pays homage to king Ashurbanipal        
(669-627 BCE). Relief from the palace of Assurbanipal  
in Niniveh, describing the campaign against Elam       
(653 BCE).

Umanaldash III pays homage to king Ashurbanipal (669-627 BCE). Relief fr...

Scene of deportation during king Ashurbanipal's        
campaign against Elam (645 BCE).                       
From the palace of Ashurbanipal in Niniveh.            
Gypseous alabaster.                  AO 19906

Scene of deportation during king Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (6...

The Ishtar Gate, the main gate of Babylon built        
during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 BCE).   
Glazed tiles with mythical animals, bulls and griffins.
The gate was dedicated to the goddess Ishtar, a mother-
and love goddess related to Astarte and Tanit.

The Ishtar Gate, the main gate of Babylon built during the reign of Nebu...

Bulls and griffins from the Ishtar gate, main gate     
of Babylon, built during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II
(605-562 BCE). The gate was dedicated to the goddess   
Ishtar, the mother- and love goddess related to Astarte
and Tanit. Glazed tiles.

Bulls and griffins from the Ishtar gate, main gate of Babylon, built during...

Head of a roaring lion. Detail from the Procession     
Avenue leading to the Ishtar gate, built by King       
Nebuchadnezzar (605-562 BCE).                          
Glazed tiles.

Head of a roaring lion. Detail from the Procession Avenue leading to the Is...

The Assyrian army of king Ashurbanipal in battle       
during the campaign against Elam. The light cavalry    
moves in a green valley with trees. 635 BCE.           
From the palace of king Sennacherib in Niniveh.        
Period of king Ashurbanipal (668-630 BCE)  AO 19908

The Assyrian army of king Ashurbanipal in battle during the campaign agai...