The Assyrian army of king Ashurbanipal in battle during the campaign agai...
#080210 6
Bull with wings, human face and tiara; a benevolent genius and guardian of t...
Male head, alabaster, H:6,5 cm Sumer, Akkadian dynastie...
Female head, alabaster, H: 6,5 cm From Tello, Akkadian per...
Worshipper with folded hands, wearing a sheepskin skirt. From the Ishtar-t...
Mold for a crouching lion. Such molds were used for baked dishes for the...
Cylinder A of Gudea cylinders, one of a pair. TThe Sumerian script tells the s...
Cylinder B of Gudea cylinders, obverse side. Sumerian script....
Cylinder B of Gudea. Terracotta, H: 60 cm,...
Cylinder A of Gudea cylinders, one of a pair. TThe Sumerian script tells the s...
Perforated votive tablet of Ur-Nanshe, king of the city-state of Lagash. From...
Statue of king Gudea with a vase overflowing with water rich in fish. The...