560 photos
Male head, perhaps a member of the family              
of king Gudea of Lagash. Around 2140 BCE               
From Tello (Lagash)                                    
Black diorite, H: 24 cm                                
AO 12

Male head, perhaps a member of the family of king Gudea of Lagash....

Fragment of a male head with beard. Akkadian,          
after 2480 BCE.                                        
Diorite, H: 11,5 cm                                    
AO 14

Fragment of a male head with beard. Akkadian, after 2480 BCE....

Lion-rhyton painted terracotta from Tello.             
Liquid was poured into the recipient through the       
opening in the back, and poured out through the lion's 
mouth. From Kueltepe, period of the Assyrian colonies  
in Cappadocia, Turkey (19th-18th BCE)    AM 1517

Lion-rhyton painted terracotta from Tello. Liquid was poured into t...

Figurine of a nude woman, from Eshnunna (Tell Asmar)   
Period of the Amorite dynasties, 2000-1595 BCE         
H: 13 cm                                               
AO 12466

Figurine of a nude woman, from Eshnunna (Tell Asmar) Period of the Amorite dy...

Kudurru with Gula, goddess of medicine.                
Kassite period, 1595-1200 BCE                         
Brought as booty from Babylon to Susa in the 12th BCE. 
Limestone, H: 36 cm                                    
Sb 27

Kudurru with Gula, goddess of medicine. Kassite period, 1595-12...

Orant of Larsa, probably Hammurabi (1792-1750 BCE),
law-giver and sixth king of the Amorite dynasty
of Babylon. From Larsa. See 08-02-04/42.
Bronze, face and hands gold-plated. H:19,6 cm
AO 15704

Orant of Larsa, probably Hammurabi (1792-1750 BCE), law-giver and sixth king of...

Sitting woman holding a small vase, side-view.         
See 08-02-04/17                                        
Alabaster, H: 19 cm                                    
AO 23995

Sitting woman holding a small vase, side-view. See 08-02-04/17...

Vase in the form of a shoe, with hunting scene.        
From Cappadocia, 2000-1800 BCE                         
Painted terracotta,18 x 22,5 cm                        
A 9440

Vase in the form of a shoe, with hunting scene. From Cappadocia, 2000-18...

Fragment of a figurine of a bull.                      
Proto-urban period, Uruk, around 3000 BCE.             
Limestone, H: 6 cm                                     
AO 8218

Fragment of a figurine of a bull. Proto-urban period, Uruk...

Mold in the form of a fish. Such molds were used       
for baked dishes for the royal table.                  
Period of the Amorite dynasties, early 2nd mill.BCE    
Terracotta, 29,3 x 12 cm                               
AO 18915

Mold in the form of a fish. Such molds were used for baked dishes for the...

Mold in form of a woman with pearl necklace. Such      
molds were used for baked dishes for the royal table.  
Period of the Amorite dynasties,early 2nd mill.BCE     
Terracotta, 23,4 x 13,2 cm                             
AO 18913

Mold in form of a woman with pearl necklace. Such molds were used for bake...

Clay model of a liver for divination.                 
Period of the Amorite dynasties, early 2nd mill.BCE    
AO 19833

Clay model of a liver for divination. Period of the Amorite dy...