560 photos
Transport of tribute from the cities of the Medi-      
terranean coast. Bronze door covering from the         
palace of Ashurnarzipal II and Shalmaneserser III at   
Imgur-Enlil (Balawat). 883-824 BCE                     
Bronze, H: 8,5 cm,L:37 cm    AO 14038

Transport of tribute from the cities of the Medi- terranean coast. Bronze...

Soldiers before a fortress, bronze door covering       
from the palace of Ashurnarzipal II and Shalmaneser III
at Imgur-Elil (Balawat). 883-824 BCE                   
Bronze, H: 12 cm, L: 22 cm                             
AO 22283

Soldiers before a fortress, bronze door covering from the palace of Ashur...

Assaradon and his mother Naqi'a, who seems to be the   
model for the Greek legend of Queen Semiramis, a polit-
cally active and influential woman to whom campaigns in
Africa and India were ascribed, but also the plans for 
the Hanging Gardens. Bronze, H:33 cm   AO 20185

Assaradon and his mother Naqi'a, who seems to be the model for the Greek lege...

Four female figures.                                   
From Syria, Euphrates region.                          
Terracotta, H: 14,8 cm, 14,8 cm, 16 cm, 16,5 cm        
AO 17279, 17281, 17280, 17283

Four female figures. From Syria, Euphrates re...

Three figurines of nude women,the traditional mother-  
and fertility goddess, but strongly influenced by      
Hellenism. Babylon, Seleucid period. Alabaster, the    
center figurine has garnets in eyes and navel.         
H:23-25 cm, AO 20132, 20127, 22994.

Three figurines of nude women,the traditional mother- and fertility goddess, b...

Three figurines of nude women, the traditional mother- 
and fertility goddess, but strongly influenced by      
Hellenism. From Babylon, Seleucid period.              
Alabaster, L: between 23 and 25 cm                     
AO 20131, 20130, 20129

Three figurines of nude women, the traditional mother- and fertility goddess, b...

Winged genius from the palace of Assurnazirpal II      
(883-859 BCE). In a gesture of magic protection, he    
holds a cedar cone in one hand, a bucket in the other. 
Gypseous alabaster relief, H:228 cm                    
AO 19845
#080212 1

Winged genius from the palace of Assurnazirpal II (883-859 BCE). In a gest...

King Tiglat Pileser III of Assur (746-727 BCE).        
From Nimrud, Mesopotamia (Iraq)                        
Gypseous alabaster bas-relief, 93 x 42 cm              
AO 19853
#080212 2

King Tiglat Pileser III of Assur (746-727 BCE). From Nimrud, Mesopotamia...

King Assurnazirpal (883-859 BCE) in battle. While the  
king holds his bow and two arrows, his courtier behind 
him waves a fly-swatter above the king's head. The     
inscription (across the two men) enumerates the king's 
titles and victories. Gypseous alabaster AO 19851
#080212 3

King Assurnazirpal (883-859 BCE) in battle. While the king holds his bow and t...

Departure for a hunt. Bas-relief from the palace       
of King Ashurbanipal, Niniveh.                         
Gypseous alabaster relief.
#080212 4

Departure for a hunt. Bas-relief from the palace of King Ashurbanipal, Ni...

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (645 BCE)    
Soldiers lead prisoners along the banks of the river   
Tigris. From the palace of King Ashurbanipal in Niniveh
Gypseous alabaster relief                              
AO 19906
#080212 5

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (645 BCE) Soldiers lead prisoners...

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (645 BCE)    
Deportees from the town of Din-Sharri are led into     
exile. Women and children an ox-drawn cart.            
From the palace of the king in Niniveh.                
Gypseous alabaster relief.
#080212 6

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (645 BCE) Deportees from the town...