560 photos
King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (645 BCE).   
Deportees (the men in chains) and women with children  
led into captivity by Assyrian soldiers.               
From the palace of King Ashurbanipal in Niniveh.       
Gypseous alabaster relief.     AO 19907
#080212 7

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (645 BCE). Deportees (the men in ch...

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (645 BCE).   
A town is taken by storm. Assyrian soldiers climb      
ladders, stones fly, the dead drop from the ramparts   
and the deportees are assembled on the right.          
Gypseous alabaster,from the palace in Niniveh, AO 19905
#080212 8

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (645 BCE). A town is taken by storm...

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (653 BCE).   
Deportees being led into captivity.                    
Gypseus alabaster relief from the palace in Niniveh.
#080212 9

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (653 BCE). Deportees being led into...

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (653 BCE).   
The king on his war chariot overseeing the operations. 
(He did not, in fact, take part in the campaign)       
Gypseous alabaster relief from the palace in Niniveh.  
162x77 cm     AO 19904

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (653 BCE). The king on his war cha...

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (653 BCE)    
Conquest of the Elamite city of Din-Sharri.            
Gypseuous alabaster relief from the palace in Niniveh. 
AO 19905

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (653 BCE) Conquest of the Elamite...

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam.             
Deportees resting and having a meal around a well.     
Gypseous alabaster relief from the palace in Niniveh.  
AO 19909 b

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam. Deportees resting and ha...

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (653 BCE).   
The Assyrian army on the march.                        
Gypseous alabaster relief from the palace in Niniveh.  
AO 19908

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (653 BCE). The Assyrian army on the...

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (645 BCE).   
Storm on an Elamite city (detail of 08-02-12/8)        
Gypseous alabaster relief from the palace in Niniveh.  
AO 19905

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (645 BCE). Storm on an Elamite city...

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (645 BCE).   
Deportees resting and having a meal around a well.     
From the king's palace in Niniveh.                     
Gypseus alabaster relief                               
AO 19909

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (645 BCE). Deportees resting and ha...

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (645 BCE).   
Archers on a chariot. Upper register of 08-02-12/10    
Gypseous alabaster relief from the palace in Niniveh.  
AO 19904

King Ashurbanipal's campaign against Elam (645 BCE). Archers on a chariot. Up...

Servants carrying implements for the royal hunt.       
Alabaster bas-relief (8th BCE) from the palace         
of Sargon II in Khorsabad, Mesopotamia (Iraq).         
306 x 352 cm                                           
AO 19 878

Servants carrying implements for the royal hunt. Alabaster bas-relief (8t...

A servant leading the royal horses.                    
Alabaster bas-relief (8th BCE) from the palace         
of Sargon II in Khorsabad, Mesopotamia (Iraq).         
330 x 352 cm                                           
AO 19 878

A servant leading the royal horses. Alabaster bas-relief (8t...