Corinthian capital (of a column) (3rd BCE). Pergamon, Tur...
Corinthian capitals (of columns) (3rd BCE). Pergamon, Tur...
Foundations of the Great Altar of Zeus (Pergamon altar, now Berlin)...
The outer wall of the temenos (temple site) of Hera Basileia. 3rd BCE,Pergam...
The Temenos (temple site) of Hera Basileia and the stairs leading u...
Ancient harbour basin (6th-1st BCE). Milet, Turkey
The ancient Greek city of Milet (around 4th BCE), Turkey...
Ancient city gate in Perge (around 5th BCE), Turkey.
Ancient city gate in Perge (around 5th BCE), Turkey.
Colonnaded street of the forum in Perge (around 1st BCE-2nd CE),...
Ruins of Colossae (around 5th-4th BCE), Turkey. Saint Paul wrote to the...
Amphora (around 4th BCE) - imported from Greece.