Eumaios awaiting the return of Ulysses. Melian relief, terracott...
Circe hands the magic potion to Ulysses and his companions which wil...
Ulysses sacrificing. Bas-relief from an Etruscan sarcophagus, Pe...
Ulysses threatening Circe. Bas-relief from an Etruscan sarcophagus,...
Phaeacian banquet in honour of Ulysses (Symposion). Attic red-figured column...
Young Achaeans engaged in athletic contest (wrestling) Marble bas-relief
Suitor hiding behind a table. The return of Ulysses....
Temple of Bacchus, Baalbek, Lebanon. Baalbek was lavishly pro...
Temple of Bacchus, Baalbek, Lebanon. Baalbeck was lavishly pr...
Temple of Bacchus, Baalbek, Lebanon. Baalbeck was lavishly pr...
Temple of Bacchus, Baalbek, Lebanon. Baalbeck was lavishly pr...
Temple of Bacchus, Baalbek, Lebanon. Baalbek was lavishly pro...