Saint Peter's denial, Jesus and an apostle,...
The rooster and Saint Peter denying. Detail from "Saint Peter...
The doorkeeper recognizes Saint Peter. Mosaic (6th)
The doorkeeper. Detail from "The doorkeeper recognizes Sa...
Judas' remorse, a shekel-bag in his hands. Mosaic (6th)
Christ before Pilate who washes his hands, high priests and Roman s...
The carrying of the Cross. Christ, soldiers and hig...
The two women and an angel with a halo and a staff at Christ's empty...
Christ appears to the Apostles on the road to Emmaus....
In the presence of Christ, the Holy Ghost descends upon the apostl...
Second apparition of Jesus Christ to fishing apostles on the Lake of...
Two fishing apostles with a rudder and a fisher's net. Detail f...