813 photos
Jesus and apostles.                                    
Mosaic (6th)

Jesus and apostles. Mosaic (6th)

Saint Martin of Tours leading a group of martyr saints
Mosaic; 6th cenuty CE
See also 30-01-10/18

Saint Martin of Tours leading a group of martyr saints Mosaic; 6th cenuty CE S...

Christ as Judge enthroned, with two angels.            
Mosaic (6th)

Christ as Judge enthroned, with two angels. Mosaic (6th)

Christ Judge enthroned                                 
with an angel at his side.                             
Detail of 15-03-02/53                                  
Mosaic (6th)

Christ Judge enthroned with an angel at his sid...

Dome mosaic of the Baptism of Christ by John Baptist un the River Jordan surrounded by the 12 Apostles (detail)
5th century CE
See also 30-01-10/8

Dome mosaic of the Baptism of Christ by John Baptist un the River Jordan surroun...

The Good Shepherd                                      
with staff and sheep.                                  
Mosaic (mid 5th)

The Good Shepherd with staff and sheep....

The shepherd with his staff.                           
Detail of "The Good Shepherd"                          
Mosaic (mid 5th)

The shepherd with his staff. Detail of "The Good Shep...

Two doves drinking from a fountain.                    
Mosaic (mid 5th)

Two doves drinking from a fountain. Mosaic (mid 5th)

The stars on the ceiling of the vault.                 
Mosaic (mid 5th)

The stars on the ceiling of the vault. Mosaic (mid 5th)

Vine-leaf decoration on the walls.                     
Mosaic (mid 5th)

Vine-leaf decoration on the walls. Mosaic (mid 5th)

"Christ Militant" wearing the uniform of a Roman       
legionnaire, a snake and a lion under his feet.        
From the Archeopiscopal Chapel built by Bishop         
Peter II (494-519)                                     

"Christ Militant" wearing the uniform of a Roman legionnaire, a snake and...

Jesus. Detail from "The raising                        
of Lazarus" (15-03-02/17)                              
Mosaic (6th)

Jesus. Detail from "The raising of Lazarus" (15-03-02/17...