813 photos
Jesus beckoning Lazarus to rise.                       
Detail of "The raising of Lazarus from the grave"               
Icon (mid 17th)                                        
Overall size: 52 x 43 cm

Jesus beckoning Lazarus to rise. Detail of "The raising...

Presentation in the Temple.                            
Detail from upper register                             
Icon (late 17th)

Presentation in the Temple. Detail from upper regist...

Christ's Baptism.                                      
Detail from the lower register                         
Icon (late 17th)

Christ's Baptism. Detail from the lower re...

The Adoration of the Magi.                             
Detail of the Birth of Jesus                           
Icon (late 17th)

The Adoration of the Magi. Detail of the Birth of J...

Spectators. Detail of the                              
"Resurrection of Lazarus"                              
Icon (late 17th)

Spectators. Detail of the "Resurrection of Lazarus...

Deomane (Virgin Mary).                                 
Icon (1st half 13th)

Deomane (Virgin Mary). Icon (1st half 13th)

The "Madaba map" (Jordan), mosaic floor of an early 
Christian church. The map mentions nine Jewish tribes  
and various localities from the New Testament; in the center: 
Jerusalem, with Emperor Constantine's buildings rising 
above Calvary and the Holy Sepulchre, Bethlehem, Emmaus, 
Jericho the Dead Sea.  and the river Jordan with the place of Jesus' baptism
#150305 2

The "Madaba map" (Jordan), mosaic floor of an early Christian church. The map...

Jerusalem with Emperor Constantine's buildings         
rising above Calvary and the Holy Sepulchre.           
Detail of the "Map of Madaba", a mosaic floor          
of an early Christian church.
#150305 3

Jerusalem with Emperor Constantine's buildings rising above Calvary and...

The river Jordan's estuary into the Dead Sea.          
Detail of the "Map of Madaba", a mosaic floor  in St.George's
Church, Madaba, Kingdom of Jordan, an early Christian Church.  Bottom, the city of Jericho
#150305 4

The river Jordan's estuary into the Dead Sea. Detail of the "Map of M...

A pair of sandals. Mosaic from a former church in the  
village of Massuh, Jordan, 10 kms South of Madaba. The 
sandals near the entrance reminded visitors to take    
off their shoes and wash their feet.
#150305 5

A pair of sandals. Mosaic from a former church in the village of Massuh, Jorda...

Wild fowl and fowl in a cage. Ceramic                  
stones and stones made of glass paste.                 
From the presbytery of the Chapel of                   
Elias, Mary, and Soreg, Gerasa, Jordan.                
70 x 70 cm
#150305 6

Wild fowl and fowl in a cage. Ceramic stones and stones made o...

Sheep tied to a tree - probably a reference to
the sheep waiting to be sacrificed instead of
Isaac. From the mosaic floor of Madaba Cathedral.
130 x 100 cm
#150305 7

Sheep tied to a tree - probably a reference to the sheep waiting to be sacrifice...