813 photos
Guinea-fowl and basket with fruit from                 
the mosaic floor of Madaba Cathedral.                  
75 x 90 cm
#150305 8

Guinea-fowl and basket with fruit from the mosaic floor of Mada...

A cock, detail from the mosaic                         
floor of Madaba Cathedral.                             
755 x 90 cm
#150305 9

A cock, detail from the mosaic floor of Madaba Cathedra...

Young boar in a frame of ornamental leaves,            
detail of a mosaic from the Hypolitos Hall             
below Saint Mary's Church in Madaba.                   
80 x 80 cm

Young boar in a frame of ornamental leaves, detail of a mosaic from...

Fish and fruit trees, detail from                      
the mosaic floor of Madaba Cathedral.                  
75 x 90 cm

Fish and fruit trees, detail from the mosaic floor of Mada...

Spring, from one of the four corners of the            
mosaic floor of the Hall of Hypolitos, Madaba.         
The female figure holds a cornucopia-shaped            
basket with flowers.                                   
110 x 110 cm

Spring, from one of the four corners of the mosaic floor of the Hall...

Part of the the town of Gadoron; from the border       
of the floor mosaic of the Akropolis Church of         
Ma'in, Jordan. Among the 11 remaining cities (of 24)   
in the border are Gaza, Nikopolis and Ascalona.        
113 x 160 cm

Part of the the town of Gadoron; from the border of the floor mosaic of t...

The city of Memphis, Egypt, from the floor mosaic      
at Saint John's Church, Khirbet El-Samra, Madaba,      
Jordan. In the center nave, the names of the donors    
flanked by two cityscapes, Memphis and Alexandria.     
170 x 170 cm

The city of Memphis, Egypt, from the floor mosaic at Saint John's Church,...

The city of Alexandria in Egypt - detail from the      
flor mosaic of Saint John's Church, Gerasa, Jordan.    
100 x 120 cm

The city of Alexandria in Egypt - detail from the flor mosaic of Saint Joh...

Facade of the cathedral of Otranto, southern Italy.    
The cathedral was built under Roger, Norman Duke of    
Apulia, and consecrated in 1088. The mosaic floor,     
of 1166, is a compendium of medieval knowledge and     
mythological lore.                                     
For mosaic see also 40-11-24/36-46

Facade of the cathedral of Otranto, southern Italy. The cathedral was built...

The center nave and mosaic floor of the cathedral of   
Otranto, southern Italy. The cathedral was built under 
Roger, Norman Duke of Apulia, and consecrated in 1088. 
The mosaic floor of 1166 is a compendium of early      
medieval knowledge and mythological lore.              
See 40-11-24/36-46

The center nave and mosaic floor of the cathedral of Otranto, southern Italy...

View of the center nave and mosaic floor, cathedral of 
Otranto, southern Italy. The cathedral was built under 
Roger, Norman Duke of Apulia, and consecrated in 1088. 
The mosaic floor of 1166 is a compendium of early      
medieval knowledge and mythological lore.              
See also 40-11-24/36-46

View of the center nave and mosaic floor, cathedral of Otranto, southern Italy...

Adam and Eve, fancy beasts and a donkey playing the    
harp; from the mosaic floor, cathedral of Otranto,     
southern Italy. The cathedral was built under Roger,   
Norman Duke of Apulia, and consecrtaed in 1088. The    
mosaic floor of 1166 is a compendium of medieval lore. 
See also 40-11-24/36-46

Adam and Eve, fancy beasts and a donkey playing the harp; from the mosaic f...