
Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.

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1,561 photos
Brick wall surrounding temple precincts of Medinet     
Habu, Thebes, the mortuary temple of Ramses III        
(1193-1162 BCE), 20th Dynasty, New Kingdom. The        
temple was built under Hatshepsut and Thutmosis III    
during the 18th Dynasty (1554-1305 BCE).

Brick wall surrounding temple precincts of Medinet Habu, Thebes, the mortua...

Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE) pursuing wild bulls         
in marshes abounding with fish and waterfowl.          
Relief from the main temple of Ramses III, south       
wall of the outside walls, Medinet Habu, Thebes.       
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE)

Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE) pursuing wild bulls in marshes abounding wit...

Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE). - Hunting scene.           
Relief from the main temple of Ramses III, south       
wall of the outside walls, Medinet Habu, Thebes.       
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE). - Hunting scene. Relief from the main tem...

Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE). - Hunting scene.           
Relief from the main temple of Ramses III, south       
wall of the outside walls, Medinet Habu, Thebes.       
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE). - Hunting scene. Relief from the main tem...

Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE). Fleeing bull.              
Hunting scene. Relief from the main temple             
of Ramses III, south wall of the outside               
temple walls, Medinet Habu, Thebes, Egypt.             
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE). Fleeing bull. Hunting scene. Relief fr...

Amun, Mut, and Khons, the Theban Triad. Relief         
from the main temple of Ramses III, north wall         
of outside temple walls, Medinet Habu, Thebes.         
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Amun, Mut, and Khons, the Theban Triad. Relief from the main temple of...

Nobles and fan-bearers. Relief from the main temple    
of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE), north wall of the       
outside temple walls, Medinet Habu, Thebes, Egypt.     
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Nobles and fan-bearers. Relief from the main temple of Ramses III (1193-1162...

Noblemen and craftsmen greeting the triumphant         
Pharaoh. Relief from the main temple of                
Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE), north wall of the          
outside temple walls, Medinet Habu, Thebes, Egypt.     
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Noblemen and craftsmen greeting the triumphant Pharaoh. Relief from the...

The Egyptian army on the march. Relief from the main   
temple of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE), north wall of    
the outside temple walls, Medinet Habu, Thebes, Egypt. 
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

The Egyptian army on the march. Relief from the main temple of Ramses III (11...

Warriors fighting on board of ships. Naval battle      
against the Seapeople. Relief from the main temple     
of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE), north wall of the       
outside temple walls, Medinet Habu, Thebes, Egypt.     
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Warriors fighting on board of ships. Naval battle against the Seapeople. R...

Warriors fighting on board of ships. Naval battle      
against the Seapeople. Relief from the main temple     
of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE), north wall of the       
outside temple walls, Medinet Habu, Thebes, Egypt.     
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Warriors fighting on board of ships. Naval battle against the Seapeople. R...

Warriors fighting on board of ships. Naval battle      
against the Seapeople. Relief from the main temple     
of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE), north wall of the       
outside temple walls, Medinet Habu, Thebes, Egypt.     
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Warriors fighting on board of ships. Naval battle against the Seapeople. R...