
Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.

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1,561 photos
Warriors fighting on board of ships. Naval battle      
against the Seapeople. Relief from the main temple     
of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE), north wall of the       
outside temple walls, Medinet Habu, Thebes, Egypt.     
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Warriors fighting on board of ships. Naval battle against the Seapeople. R...

Warriors fighting on board of ships. Naval battle      
against the Seapeople. Relief from the main temple     
of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE), north wall of the       
outside temple walls, Medinet Habu, Thebes, Egypt.     
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Warriors fighting on board of ships. Naval battle against the Seapeople. R...

Warriors fighting on board of ships. Naval battle      
against the Seapeople. Relief from the main temple     
of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE), north wall of the       
outside temple walls, Medinet Habu, Thebes, Egypt.     
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Warriors fighting on board of ships. Naval battle against the Seapeople. R...

Portrait of a prisoner after the Pharaoh's victory     
over a Philistine tribe. Relief from the main temple   
of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE), south tower, 2nd pylon, 
Medinet Habu, Thebes, Egypt. Detail of 08-01-05/44.    
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Portrait of a prisoner after the Pharaoh's victory over a Philistine tribe....

Portrait of a captured Peleste (Philistine).           
Relief from the main temple of Ramses III              
(1193-1162 BCE), south tower, 2nd pylon,               
Medinet Habu, Thebes. Detail of 08-01-05/44.           
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Portrait of a captured Peleste (Philistine). Relief from the main tem...

A Peleste (Philistine) prisoner. Relief from           
the main temple of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE),         
south tower, 2nd pylon, Medinet Habu, Thebes.          
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

A Peleste (Philistine) prisoner. Relief from the main temple of Ramse...

Two Peleste (Philistine) prisoners, upper part.        
Relief from the main temple of Ramses III              
(1193-1162 BCE), south tower, 2nd pylon,               
Medinet Habu, Thebes, Egypt.                           
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Two Peleste (Philistine) prisoners, upper part. Relief from the main tem...

Two fettered Peleste (Philistines), prisoners taken    
after the Pharoh's victory over the Seapeople. Relief  
from the main temple of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE),    
south tower, 2nd pylon, Medinet Habu, Thebes, Egypt.   
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Two fettered Peleste (Philistines), prisoners taken after the Pharoh's victo...

Warriors fighting. Battle scene. Relief from the       
main temple of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE), outside     
the temple walls, Medinet Habu, Thebes, Egypt.         
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE)

Warriors fighting. Battle scene. Relief from the main temple of Ramses II...

Five fettered Libyans with pointed beards.             
Commemoration of the Pharoh's victory in the second    
Libyan war. Relief from the main temple of Ramses III, 
north wall between the 1st and 2nd pylon, Medinet Habu,
Thebes. 20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Five fettered Libyans with pointed beards. Commemoration of the Pha...

Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE) smiting an enemy with       
his club. Relief from the main temple of Ramses III,   
outside the temple walls, Medinet Habu, Thebes.        
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE) smiting an enemy with his club. Relief from th...

Iupti (Egyptian officers). Relief from the             
main temple of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE),             
outside the temple walls, Medinet Habu, Thebes.        
20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Iupti (Egyptian officers). Relief from the main temple of Ramses II...