Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.
Warriors fighting on board of ships. Naval battle against the Seapeople. R...
Warriors fighting on board of ships. Naval battle against the Seapeople. R...
Warriors fighting on board of ships. Naval battle against the Seapeople. R...
Portrait of a prisoner after the Pharaoh's victory over a Philistine tribe....
Portrait of a captured Peleste (Philistine). Relief from the main tem...
A Peleste (Philistine) prisoner. Relief from the main temple of Ramse...
Two Peleste (Philistine) prisoners, upper part. Relief from the main tem...
Two fettered Peleste (Philistines), prisoners taken after the Pharoh's victo...
Warriors fighting. Battle scene. Relief from the main temple of Ramses II...
Five fettered Libyans with pointed beards. Commemoration of the Pha...
Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE) smiting an enemy with his club. Relief from th...
Iupti (Egyptian officers). Relief from the main temple of Ramses II...