Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.
Figurine of a man,kneeling and praying.900-400 BCE...
Horus as a boy on a lotus blossom. Bronze figurine,...
High-ranking official. Bronze statue, Middle Ki...
Scribe counting grain. Wood, Egypt,Middle Kingd...
Cook minding the fire. 1st Intermediate Period...
A semitic prisoner, hands tied. Pawn for a game....
Wooden box for "Ushebtis", on the side God Anubis weighing souls. Box dec...
African prisoner. Wooden sculpture, New Ki...
Woman with remnants of clothing, from the tomb of Pakhetemhat at Antino...
Farmer carrying a calf. Painted wood, 1st Interm...
Servant girl. Painted wood, 18th Dynas...
Woman carrying a jar. Cosmetics spoon with swi...