Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.
Man carrying a large vase. Wooden cosmetics spoon,...
Woman carrying a child. Limestone sculpture,...
Woman with child. Terracotta phial, New Ki...
Female torso, probably Nefertiti, wife of Pharaoh Amenophis IV Akhnaton (1365-1...
Anonymous couple. 18th Dynasty (16th-14th...
Office supervisor Djehoutyhetep and his family (1550 BCE...
Blue crown "Kheprech". Pottery, 18th Dynasty...
Human arm draped with a panther skin. Bronze, New Kingdom...
A baker kneading dough. 1st Intermediate Period...
Woman crushing grain. Clay model,...
Miller resting in front of his millstone. 1st Intermediate Period...
Model of a house. Clay. Middle Kingdon (2060-178...