
Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.

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1,561 photos
Small booklet with gold-leaf for gilding               
sculptures and furniture.                              
27th Dynasty (525-332 BCE),                            
Late Period, Egypt.                                    
N 3041 a

Small booklet with gold-leaf for gilding sculptures and furniture...

Painter's palette.                                     
Ivory, New Kingdom                                     
(16th-11th BCE), Egypt.                                
E 3669

Painter's palette. Ivory, New Kingdom...

Pupil's writing slate.                                 
New Kingdom (16th-11th BCE),                           
AF 497

Pupil's writing slate. New Kingdom (16th-11th B...

Pleated robe, wool, and linen from a tomb.             
12th Dynasty (1991-1785 BCE),                          
New Kingdom, Egypt.                                    
E 12 026

Pleated robe, wool, and linen from a tomb. 12th Dynasty (1991-1785...

Presenting accounts to Prince Kaninisut.               
Painted limestone relief from the tomb of the Prince,  
5th Dynasty (2450-2442 BCE), Old Kingdom, Egypt

Presenting accounts to Prince Kaninisut. Painted limestone relief...

Clappers or drumsticks.                                
18th Dynasty (16th-14th BCE),                          
New Kingdom, Egypt.                                    
N 1478 a - N 1477

Clappers or drumsticks. 18th Dynasty (16th-14th...

Quiver and a buckler, models.                          
12th Dynasty (20th-18th BCE),                          
Middle Kingdom, Egypt.                                 
E 11 988 - E 12 016

Quiver and a buckler, models. 12th Dynasty (20th-18th...

Two daggers,left:crescent-shaped handle, copper,      
L: 31 cm, Middle Kingdom (16th-11th BCE), E 22895      
right:bronze, L: 28,8 cm, New Kingdom, N 2113 B

Two daggers,left:crescent-shaped handle, copper, L: 31 cm, Middle Kingdom...

King Tuthmosis III, 18th dynasty, 1490-1434 BCE.       
Royal portrait with headdress, uraeus snake and wide   
ritual beard, upper part of the body nude. Under       
Tuthmosis III the Egyptian realm reached its largest   
extent.  Granodiorite, H: 46,5 cm       Inv.70

King Tuthmosis III, 18th dynasty, 1490-1434 BCE. Royal portrait with head...

Overall view of the Temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel, 
on the borders of Lake Nasser. When the new High Dam   
was built and the Nile Valley flooded to form Lake     
Nasser, the Temple was relocated,through a UNESCO pilot
project,and is now 210 m further inland, 65 m higher.

Overall view of the Temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel, on the borders of Lake N...

Carved knife;Blade flint,handle hippopotamus-ivory.Four registers.Fighting warriors and two different ship types.Recto. (32nd-31st BCE), Pre-Dynastic Period,  
Negade II. From Jebel el Arak, south of Abydos,Egypt.
25,5 cm                   
Inv. 11517
#080108 1

Carved knife;Blade flint,handle hippopotamus-ivory.Four registers.Fighting warri...

Carved knife.Blade flint,handle hippopotamus-ivory,Four registers.Fighting warriors and two different ship types.Recto. (32nd-31st BCE), Pre-Dynastic Period,  
Negade II. From Jebel el Arak, Egypt                   
Inv. 11517                                             
Detail of handle.See also 08-01-08/1 for verso.
#080108 2

Carved knife.Blade flint,handle hippopotamus-ivory,Four registers.Fighting warri...