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1,561 photos
"Dog palette" with palm-tree, giraffes, and dogs.      
Oval slate with carved relief (36th-35th BCE),         
Pre-Dynastic Period, Egypt.                            
E 11 052
#080108 3

"Dog palette" with palm-tree, giraffes, and dogs. Oval slate with carved r...

Palette with wild animals and dogs. Oval slate         
with hollow centre. Reverse side of 08-01-08/3.        
(36th-35th BCE) Pre-Dynastic Period, Egypt.            
Grauwacke, 32 x 17,7 x 1,8 cm 
E 11 052
#080108 4

Palette with wild animals and dogs. Oval slate with hollow centre. Rev...

Bull palette. Bull triumphs over a lion                
surrounded by a crenellated wall. Both animals         
probably represent kings. Fragment of a green slate    
(around 35th BCE), Pre-Dynastic Period, Egypt.         
E 11 255
#080108 5

Bull palette. Bull triumphs over a lion surrounded by a crenella...

The King as a bull. 5 hands holding a cord possibly    
representing 5 tribes under a king defeating the enemy.
Reverse side of 08-01-08/5. Green slate                
(36th-35th BCE), Pre-Dynastic Period, Egypt            
E 11 255
#080108 6

The King as a bull. 5 hands holding a cord possibly representing 5 tribes un...

Fragment of the "Hunting Palette", 3.300-3.100 BCE     
Grauwacke from Abydos, 40,6 x 40,5 cm                  
E 11254                                                
Decorated with a hunting scene in the desert,clothing  
and arms are found later in pharaonic society.
#080108 7

Fragment of the "Hunting Palette", 3.300-3.100 BCE Grauwacke from Abydos, 4...

Senbef and Ipta. Stele from the Osiris sanctuary       
in Abydos (Araba el-Madfuna), Egypt.Ankh,sign of Life  
12th Dynasty (20th-18th), First Intermediate.          
35 x 72 cm
#080108 8

Senbef and Ipta. Stele from the Osiris sanctuary in Abydos (Araba el-Madf...

Tunic of heavy material and loin cloth.                
From the tomb of architect Kha - under                 
Amenophis III (1411-1375 BCE) - at                     
Deir el-Medina, Egypt.                                 
18th Dynasty, New Kingdom.
#080108 9

Tunic of heavy material and loin cloth. From the tomb of archite...

Bread loaves on a small table.                         
From the tomb of Architect Kha                         
- under Amenophis III (1411-1375 BCE) -                
at Deir el-Medina, Egypt.                              
18th Dynasty, New Kingdom.

Bread loaves on a small table. From the tomb of Archite...

Coffer with small vases of glass, alabaster, ceramics  
from the tomb of architect Kha - under Amenophis III   
(1411-1375 BCE) - at Deir el-Medina, Egypt.            
18th Dynasty, New Kingdom.

Coffer with small vases of glass, alabaster, ceramics from the tomb of archite...

Wooden coffer for cosmetics and a cosmetic spoon,                          
from the necropolis of Gebelei.                        
Old Kingdom (27th-22nd BCE), Egypt.                    
19 x 38 x 23 cm

Wooden coffer for cosmetics and a cosmetic spoon, fro...

Wooden box with jewelry: necklaces, bracelet, scarab,  
torque, cosmetics containers, from the tomb of a girl  
in El Kubania, near Aswan. 12th Dynasty (20th-18th BCE)
1st Intermediate Period, Middle Kingdom, Egypt.

Wooden box with jewelry: necklaces, bracelet, scarab, torque, cosmetics contai...

Mirror handle or sceptre.                              
Middle Kingdom (240-1785 BCE), Egypt

Mirror handle or sceptre. Middle Kingdom (240-1785...