Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.
The Great Enclosure of the Temple of Amun (13th BCE). In the foreground blocks...
Overall view of the Temple of Amun with the obelisk (13th B...
The Sacred Lake, North of the Second and Third Courts, Temple of Karnak, Egypt....
Two tutelary gods, Ouadjet (left, with the red crown of Lower Egypt) and Nekhbet...
The water of life is poured over a Pharaoh-Osiris, a dead Pharaoh....
The Horus-falcon whose wings bring the breath of life (14th BCE).
Lintel with green plover design (14th BCE). Green plovers were used...
Lintel with Ankh (symbol of life) design (14th BCE).
"Smiting his enemies", one of the typical representations of the P...
Part of a giant column with cartouche of Ramses II (13th BCE).
The god Min, Egyptian ityphallic god of fertility and the harvest festival...
Two gazelles. Limestone (12th BCE).