
Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.

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1,561 photos
Hunter carrying captured birds.                        
Limestone (13th BCE).

Hunter carrying captured birds. Limestone (13th BCE).

List of all Nomoi (districts) in Egypt on the walls of 
the jubilee chapel of Pharaoh Sesostris I (1971-1926   
BCE), Karnak, Egypt. The lists include size of the     
districts, name of the capitel, and number of heads    
of cattle.
#080112 2

List of all Nomoi (districts) in Egypt on the walls of the jubilee chapel of Ph...

List of all Nomoi (districts) of Egypt on the walls of 
the jubilee chapel of Pharaoh Sesostris I (1971-1926   
BCE), Karnak, Egypt. The lists include size of the     
districts, name of the capital, and number of the      
headsd of cattle.
#080112 3

List of all Nomoi (districts) of Egypt on the walls of the jubilee chapel of Ph...

List of all Nomoi (districts) of Egypt on the walls of 
the jubilee chapel of Pharaoh Sesostris I (1971-1926   
BCE), Karnak, Egypt. The lists include size of the     
districts, name of the capital, and number of the      
heads of cattle.
#080112 4

List of all Nomoi (districts) of Egypt on the walls of the jubilee chapel of Ph...

Pharaoh Sheshonq's (945-924 BCE) victories over        
the Israelites and Canaanites. Bubastis Portal         
of the 22nd Dynasty, 3rd Intermediate Period.          
Temple of Karnak, Egypt.
#080112 5

Pharaoh Sheshonq's (945-924 BCE) victories over the Israelites and Canaa...

The Colossi of Memnon, a name given them by Greek and  
Roman travellers, Medinet Habu, Egypt. The two colossal
statues of Pharaoh Amenophis III (1417-1379) sat in    
front of his mortuary temple of which nothing remains. 
Conglomerate sandstone, Height: 21,3 m
#080112 6

The Colossi of Memnon, a name given them by Greek and Roman travellers, Medine...

The Ramesseum, dedicated to Pharaoh Ramses II and to   
"Amun-United-with-Eternity" (13th BCE, Medinet Habu.
#080112 7

The Ramesseum, dedicated to Pharaoh Ramses II and to "Amun-United-with-Eterni...

During the battle of Kadesh, the chariot               
of Pharaoh Ramses II (1304-1237) crushes               
his enemies. Ramesseum, Medinet Habu.
#080112 8

During the battle of Kadesh, the chariot of Pharaoh Ramses II (13...

Pylon of the Ramesseum, Medinet Habu,                  
temple dedicated to Ramses II and to                   
#080112 9

Pylon of the Ramesseum, Medinet Habu, temple dedicated to Rams...

Valley of the Kings, a deep cleft in the limestone     
hills opposite Luxor, Egypt. The necropolis contains   
62 tombs, not all royal, as some high officials were   
also buried there.

Valley of the Kings, a deep cleft in the limestone hills opposite Luxor, Eg...

Valley of the Kings, a deep cleft in the limestone     
hills opposite Luxor, Egypt. The necropolis contains   
62 tombs, not all royal, as some high officials were   
also buried there.

Valley of the Kings, a deep cleft in the limestone hills opposite Luxor, Eg...

Valley of the Kings, a deep cleft in the limestone     
hills opposite Luxor, Egypt. The necropolis contains   
62 tombs, not all royal, as some high officials were   
also buried there.

Valley of the Kings, a deep cleft in the limestone hills opposite Luxor, Eg...