
Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.

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1,561 photos
The mortuary temple of the female Pharaoh, Queen       
Hatshepsut (1503-1453 BCE), 18th Dynasty, New          
Kingdom, designed and built by the queen's steward     
and architect Senenmut. It rises in three terraces     
to the cliffs behind. Deir el-Bahri, Egypt.

The mortuary temple of the female Pharaoh, Queen Hatshepsut (1503-1453 BC...

Pylon. Great Temple of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE).     
The reliefs on its facade show the Pharaoh slaying     
prisoners. The pylon is 65 m long and 27 m high.       
12th BCE, 20th Dynasty, New Kingdom. Medinet Habu,     

Pylon. Great Temple of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE). The reliefs on its facad...

The Pharaoh, wearing the white crown of Upper Egypt,   
is seen walking behind a plough in a mural in one      
of the side chapels of Great Temple of Ramses III      
(12th BCE), 20th Dynasty, Late New Kingdom.            
Medinet Habu, Egypt.

The Pharaoh, wearing the white crown of Upper Egypt, is seen walking behind a...

A naval battle against the sea-peoples. Soldiers       
cling to masts, fall into the sea, drown. Bodies       
drifting in the waves. From the outer facade of the    
Temple of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE), 20th Dynasty,    
New Kingdom. Medinet Habu, Egypt.

A naval battle against the sea-peoples. Soldiers cling to masts, fall int...

A naval battle against the sea-peoples. Soldiers       
cling to masts, fall into the sea, drown. Bodies       
drifting in the waves. From the outer facade of the    
Temple of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE), 20th Dynasty,    
New Kingdom. Medinet Habu, Egypt.

A naval battle against the sea-peoples. Soldiers cling to masts, fall int...

A naval battle against the sea-peoples. Soldiers       
cling to masts, fall into the sea, drown. Bodies       
drifting in the waves. From the outer facade of the    
Temple of Ramses III (1198-1166 BCE), 20th Dynasty,    
New Kingdom. Medinet Habu, Egypt.

A naval battle against the sea-peoples. Soldiers cling to masts, fall int...

Prisoners, their arms lifted above their heads in a    
gesture of submission, are led before the Pharaoh.     
Outer wall, the Temple of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE),  
20th Dynasty, New Kingdom. Medinet Habu, Egypt.

Prisoners, their arms lifted above their heads in a gesture of submission, a...

The Pharaoh in his war chariot. Outer wall of the      
temple of Ramses III (1193-1162), 20th Dynasty,        
New Kingdom. Medinet Habu, Egypt.

The Pharaoh in his war chariot. Outer wall of the temple of Ramses III (11...

The Pharaoh leads captives on chains held by a ring.   
Outer wall of the Temple of Ramses III (1193-1162 BCE),
20th Dynasty, New Kingdom. Medinet Habu, Egypt.

The Pharaoh leads captives on chains held by a ring. Outer wall of the Temple...

Sea-people prisoners (with feather crowns),            
their arms lifted in a gesture of submission.          
Outer wall, Temple of Ramses III (1198-1166 BCE),      
20th Dynasty, New Kingdom. Medinet Habu, Egypt.

Sea-people prisoners (with feather crowns), their arms lifted in a g...

Anubis, the jackal-god of the necropolis, holds        
the sceptre Zekhem between his forepaws and the        
whip Nekhekh between his hindlegs. Tomb of Sennedjem   
"Servant in the Place of Truth", Workmen's Tombs       
(13th BCE), New Kingdom.  Deir el-Medina, Egypt.

Anubis, the jackal-god of the necropolis, holds the sceptre Zekhem betwe...

The dead Sennedjem and his wife are clad in white linen
wearing cones of funeral ointment on their heads. They 
receive water for cleansing, bread, and lotus flowers  
from Isis, who appears in the holy sycamore tree.      
Workmen's Tombs (13th BCE), Deir el-Medina, Egypt.

The dead Sennedjem and his wife are clad in white linen wearing cones of funeral...