Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.
The royal necropolis of the pharaohs of the 21st and 22nd Dynasties (11th-10t...
The royal necropolis of the pharaohs of the 21st and 22nd Dynasties (11th-10t...
The reconstructed gate of a large Amun Temple, a triad of local gods, a...
The Sinai Desert, Egypt.
Santa Katarina Monastery with the Sinai range in the backg...
Steles, mostly from a 12th Dynasty (20th-18th BCE) temple of Hathor with pr...
#080114 1
Male figurine with phallic sheath, 4000 - 3800 BCE Predynastic, Nagada I...
#080114 2
Female figure, with raised arms (dancer?) 4000-3000 BCE, predynast...
#080114 3
Boar, ivory, 4000-3800 BCE Predynastic, Nagada I...
#080114 4
The Horus-child rides on a donkey, 19th-22nd dynasty. The forelock is a prerog...
#080114 5
Amulet showing the god Khnoum (left) Saitic period, earthewar...
#080114 6
Vase mould with four Hathor-symbols. 18th dynasty, 1554-1080...