
Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.

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1,561 photos
Falcon, wood.
#080114 7

Falcon, wood.

Ibis, sacred animal of the god Toth, god of wisdom     
and inventor of writing.
#080114 8

Ibis, sacred animal of the god Toth, god of wisdom and inventor of writing.

Relief: Hathor-cow.
#080114 9

Relief: Hathor-cow.

Head of a tall ibis-statue. The ibis was the           
holy animal of Toth, god of wisdom and inventor        
of writing. Late period.                               

Head of a tall ibis-statue. The ibis was the holy animal of Toth, god...

Horus and Pharaoh Horemheb, last ruler of the 18th     
dynasty. Horemheb was not of royal descent; he is      
shown here of equal rank with Horus, who holds a       
protective arm behind the pharaoh.                     
Limestone, New Kingdom, 18th dynasty, end 14th BCE

Horus and Pharaoh Horemheb, last ruler of the 18th dynasty. Horemheb was n...

Tomb stele of the sisters Keti and Senet.              
The sisters stand before a table with funerary gifts   
and hold lotos flowers to their faces, to breath the   
breath of life. .Limestone, painted.                    
Middle Kingdom, 11th-12th dynasty, around 2000 BCE

Tomb stele of the sisters Keti and Senet. The sisters stand befor...

Relief of Cheti. The son of Cheti and his wife         
offer a rich funerary meal to his deceased parents.   
Limestone, painted, early Middle Kingdom, 12th dynasty,
around 1980 BCE

Relief of Cheti. The son of Cheti and his wife offer a rich funerary m...

Harpocrates, Ibis and Horus. Ibis, the sacred animal   
of the god Toth, stands between two manifestations     
of the god Horus: left, the heavenly child, right      
the falcon god who avenges the death of his father     
Osiris. Bronze, 26th dynasty, Late Period.

Harpocrates, Ibis and Horus. Ibis, the sacred animal of the god Toth, stands...

Two otters. The animals'upright position when scenting 
was mistaken by the Egyptians as a praying gesture.    
Otters were sacred to the goddess Uto, the centre of   
her cult was Buto in the Nile-delta. 26th dynasty.     
Bronze, Inv. 765, 762.

Two otters. The animals'upright position when scenting was mistaken by the Egyp...

Small ram with Atef-crown. The ram was the sacred      
animal of the god Amon and the small ram was           
probably part of a ring.                               
Blood-stone, gold.                                     
Late Period, 25th dynasty, 716-656 BCE

Small ram with Atef-crown. The ram was the sacred animal of the god Amon a...

Head of a ram; the inscription says the priest         
Pentaweret dedicated the statue to the Temple of Amon  
in Karnak, in memory of the deified Amenophis I.       
Serpentine-stone, New Kingdom, 19th-20th dynasty,      
around 1150 BCE

Head of a ram; the inscription says the priest Pentaweret dedicated the...

Ram-head (see also 08-01-14/17) and ichneumon,         
a small carnivorous animal related to the mongoose;    
it is sacred to the god of creation, Atum of Heliopolis
because it kills the demon serpent Apophis.            
Green schist, L: 28 cm, Late Period, 6th-4th BCE

Ram-head (see also 08-01-14/17) and ichneumon, a small carnivorous anim...