
Clergy: Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests

675 photos
Saint Joannes of Capistrano (1386-1456),               
famous preacher of repentance, calling                 
for crusades against Turks and Hussites.               
#400802 3

Saint Joannes of Capistrano (1386-1456), famous preacher of repen...

The pilgrims meet Pope Cyriac before the walls of Rome.
Legend of St. Ursula, a Christian princess betrothed to
an English prince. Returning from a pilgrimage, she was
massacred by Huns in Cologne, together with her        
virgin-companions. 1494. Canvas, 281 x 307 cm  Cat.577

The pilgrims meet Pope Cyriac before the walls of Rome. Legend of St. Ursula, a...

Pope Alexander VI presents Bishop Jacopo Pesaro        
to Saint Peter. Pesaro (1460-1547), a Dominican,       
became bishop of Paphos and commander of 20 galleys    
against the Turks. He distinguished himself in the     
naval battle of Maura in 1502. Canvas, 145 x 184 cm

Pope Alexander VI presents Bishop Jacopo Pesaro to Saint Peter. Pesaro (...

San Antonio da Padova - Saint Anthony of Padua.        
Distemper on wood                                      
Inv. I, 22
#400803 2

San Antonio da Padova - Saint Anthony of Padua. Distemper on wood...

The procession on Redemption day, detail.              
Even today, a pontoon bridge is laid from the          
Zattere bank across the Canale della Giudecca          
to Palladio's church Il Redentore.                     
Oil on canvas

The procession on Redemption day, detail. Even today, a pontoon br...

Pope Paul III Farnese.                                 
Canvas, 137 x 88.8 cm

Pope Paul III Farnese. Canvas, 137 x 88.8 cm

Saint François d'Assise recevant les stigmates. À la prédelle: Le songe d'Innocent III; Le pape approuvant les statuts de l'ordre; Saint François prêchant aux oiseaux - Saint Francis of Assisi receiving the stigmata. Predella: The vision of Pope Innocent III; the Pope approving the statutes of the Franciscan order; Saint Francis preaching to the birds. Around 1295-1300.
Wood, goldleaf, overall size 313 x 163cm.
Inv. 309

Saint François d'Assise recevant les stigmates. À la prédelle: Le songe d'Innoce...

Presentation in the Temple, panel from a predella      
for an altar in the Strozzi chapel, Santa Trinita,     
Florence. 1423                                         
Wood, 26,5 x 66 cm                                     
INV. 295

Presentation in the Temple, panel from a predella for an altar in the Stro...

La damnation de l'ame de l'avare de Citerna.           
The damnation of the soul of the miser of Citerna.     
Wood, 45,3 x 58,7 cm                                   
R.F. 1988-9

La damnation de l'ame de l'avare de Citerna. The damnation of the sou...

Circumcision, 1526                                     
Poplar wood, 78,5 x 56,5 cm                            
Inv. 136

Circumcision, 1526 Poplar wood, 78,5 x 56,5...

The circumcision.                                      
Canvas, 356 x 251 cm                                   
M.I. 315

The circumcision. Canvas, 356 x 251 cm...

Saint Francis of Assisi. Wing of a polyptych ordered   
by the order of the Uliliati for the church San Torpe  
in Pisa.                                               
Wood, 1131 x 39,5 cm                                   
INV. 20162
#400806 1

Saint Francis of Assisi. Wing of a polyptych ordered by the order of the Ulil...