
Clergy: Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests

675 photos
The death of Saint Jerome among his disciples:         
he appears to Saint Cyril, bishop of Jerusalem.        
Part of a predella from an altar painted in 1444       
for the former monastery of the Gesuati in Siena.      
See 40-08-06,6-10  Wood, 23,5 x 37 cm    M.I.473
#400806 9

The death of Saint Jerome among his disciples: he appears to Saint Cyri...

After his death, Saint Jerome appears to Sulpice       
Severius, then to Saint Augustine, together with       
Saint John Baptist. Part of a predella painted in 1444 
for the former monastery of the Gesuati in Siena.      
See 40-08-06/6-10   Wood, 23,5 x 37,5 cm   M.I.474

After his death, Saint Jerome appears to Sulpice Severius, then to Saint...

Presentation in the temple,1353                        
Wood, 190 x 125 cm                                     

Presentation in the temple,1353 Wood, 190 x 125 cm...

A sermon of Saint Bernard of Siena. Part of a predella 
painted for the Oratorio of San Bernardino, Siena.     
See also 40-08-06/16-17                                
Wood, 32,5 x 51,1 cm                                   
R.F. 1966-1

A sermon of Saint Bernard of Siena. Part of a predella painted for the Oratorio...

Saint Jerome supporting two hanged young men.          
Part of a predella.                                    
Wood, 30,6 x 30,2 cm                                   
M.I. 482

Saint Jerome supporting two hanged young men. Part of a predella....

Madonna and child with angels, and Saints Frediano     
and Augustine, called "Pala Barbadori", 1437.          
Wood, 208 x 244 cm                                     
INV. 339

Madonna and child with angels, and Saints Frediano and Augustine, called "P...

L'esclave mourant - Dying slave, for the tomb of 
Pope Julius II (Giuliano della Rovere 1443-1513)
Marble, 1513-1516
H:228 cm
MB 1589

L'esclave mourant - Dying slave, for the tomb of Pope Julius II (Giuliano dell...

Rebellious slave, for the tomb of Pope Julius II       
- Guiliano della Rovere - (1443-1513)                  
H;209 cm
Marble, 1513-1516                                      
MB 1590

Rebellious slave, for the tomb of Pope Julius II - Guiliano della Rovere...

Saint Anthony abbot.                                   
Wood, 73 x 59 cm                                       
One of eight known panels from an altar. Other panels  
in Berlin-Dahlem, Yale University, Metropolitan Museum,
Washington etc. R.F. 2470

Saint Anthony abbot. Wood, 73 x 59 cm...

Saint Anthony of Padua, reading.                       
Goldground, part of a poliptych.                       
Wood, 71 x 31 cm

Saint Anthony of Padua, reading. Goldground, part of a po...

Saint Jerome et Saint Zenobe adorant l'Enfant Jesus    
dans les bras de la Vierge.                            
Saint Jerome, Saint Zenobius and the Madonna. adoring
the child Jesus in the arms of his mother.         
Canvas, 186 x 176 cm                                   
INV. 38

Saint Jerome et Saint Zenobe adorant l'Enfant Jesus dans les bras de la Vie...

Monsignore Giuliano della Rovere (1559-1621)           
Around 1595                                            
Canvas, 117 x 97,5 cm                                  
Inv. 162

Monsignore Giuliano della Rovere (1559-1621) Around 1595...