
Clergy: Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests

675 photos
La Vierge et l'enfant entoures d'anges, de sainte      
Marie-Madeleine et de saint Bernard - Madonna and      
child among angels, Saint Magdalen and Saint Bernard.  
Wood,188 x 177 cm                                      
INV. 590

La Vierge et l'enfant entoures d'anges, de sainte Marie-Madeleine et de sa...

Saint Francis of Assisi receives the stigmata.         
One of three panels from the predella of the altar     
"Coronation of the Virgin" in Todi, Italy.             
Wood, 38 x 81,4 cm                                     
INV. 725

Saint Francis of Assisi receives the stigmata. One of three panels from...

The circumcision.                                      
Wood, 37,5 x 50 cm                                     
INV. 692

The circumcision. Wood, 37,5 x 50 cm...

L'apparition de la Vierge et l'enfant Jesus a          
St. Hyacinthe - The apparition of Virgin and child     
to Saint Hyacinth.                                     
Canvas, 375 x 222 cm                                   
INV. 186
#400809 7

L'apparition de la Vierge et l'enfant Jesus a St. Hyacinthe - The appa...

Adoration of the shepherds with Saint Benedict,1552/54 
Canvas, 484 x 305 cm                                   
INV. 389

Adoration of the shepherds with Saint Benedict,1552/54 Canvas, 484 x 305 cm...

12 scenes from the life of the Virgin.                 
Left: Presentation of Jesus at the temple.             
Right: Circumcision                                    
Panels from an altar, 593 x 289 cm                     

12 scenes from the life of the Virgin. Left: Presentation of Je...

Annunciation (center), Saints Benedict and Augustine   
(left), Saints Stephen and Angelus (right).            
Triptych,center panel 158 x 107 cm,sides 105 x 52,4 cm 

Annunciation (center), Saints Benedict and Augustine (left), Saints Stephen a...


Circumcision. Wood...

Wilderness with monk in a thunderstorm.                
Canvas,91,5 x 72,5 cm                                  

Wilderness with monk in a thunderstorm. Canvas,91,5 x 72,5 cm...

Portrait of a cardinal.                                
Canvas, 110,5 x 94 cm                                  
Inv. 3380

Portrait of a cardinal. Canvas, 110,5 x 94 cm...

Pope Gregory I and Saint Vitalis intercede with        
the Madonna for the souls in purgatory, 1730/31        
Canvas, 94 x 66 cm                                     
Inv. 6358
#400810 5

Pope Gregory I and Saint Vitalis intercede with the Madonna for the soul...

Saint Peter or a holy bishop.                          
Wood, 104 x 57 cm

Saint Peter or a holy bishop. Wood, 104 x 57 cm