Clergy: Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests
#400816 4
Saint Louis de Toulouse(1274 - 1297),Bishop of Toulouse,grand-nephew of...
#400816 6
La procession de Saint Gregoire au Chateau Saint-Ange - The Saint Gregory proces...
#400817 7
The dream of Pope Innocent III,1298 Mural,270 x 230 cm
The sermon before Pope Honorius III,1299 Mural,270 x 230 cm
Saint Francis appears to Pope Gregory IXth.,1300 Mural,270 x 230 cm
Cella 10: Presentation in the temple,1438 Mural,171 x 116 cm
#400818 4
Two legends of Saint Nicholas of Myra:The saint provides a dowry for three...
#400818 5
Two legends of Saint Nicholas of Myra: He resurrects a boy struck by a de...
#400818 6
The Presentation in the Temple, 1342 Tempera on wood, 257 x 1...
Madonna and child enthroned, angels and saints, 1484 Tempera on w...
Coronation of the Virgin, with sixteen angels and Saints:John Evangelist,A...
#401001 6
Cathedral and Palazzo Piccolomini (Piazza Pio II), built by order of Pope P...