
Clergy: Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests

675 photos
Citygate,built 1585, to protect the Aqua Claudiae      
fountain, carrying water from the Aqua Felice. Arch    
erected by Pope Sixtus V (1585-1590)

Citygate,built 1585, to protect the Aqua Claudiae fountain, carrying water...

La veuve et son cure - The widow and her confessor.    

La veuve et son cure - The widow and her confessor. Oil

Funeral at Ornans, France.                             
Oil on canvas (1849)                                   
315 x 668 cm                                           
Inv. RF 325

Funeral at Ornans, France. Oil on canvas (1849)...

Storm at the Port of Camaret, France.                  
Oil on canvas

Storm at the Port of Camaret, France. Oil on canvas

Pope Pius VII (1742-1823).                             
Oil on wood (1805)                                     
86 x 71 cm                                             
Inv. 3701

Pope Pius VII (1742-1823). Oil on wood (1805)...

The coronation of Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte.        
Oil on canvas (1806-1807) - 621 x 979 cm               
Detail: Josephine, Napoleon, Cardinal Fesch and        
Pope Pius VII. In center back "Mme. Mere", Laetizia    
Bonaparte, who, in reality, was not present.

The coronation of Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte. Oil on canvas (1806-1807...

Jaques-Benigne Bossuet (1627-1704), bishop of Meaux    
famous preacher and tutor of the son of Louis XIV,     
the Dauphin,1702.
Oil on canvas,240 x 165 cm
#401107 5

Jaques-Benigne Bossuet (1627-1704), bishop of Meaux famous preacher and tut...

Martyrs in the catacombs. 1855                         
Canvas, 170 x 336 cm                                   
R.F. 102

Martyrs in the catacombs. 1855 Canvas, 170 x 336 cm...

The coronation of Czar Nicolas II (1868-1918) and      
Empress Alexandra Feodorowna (1872-1918) in the        
Church of the Assumption, Moscow. Painted 1896.        
Canvas, 116 x 151,5 cm                                 
R.F. 1977-184

The coronation of Czar Nicolas II (1868-1918) and Empress Alexandra Feodor...

Le Pape Nicolas V, en 1449, se fait ouvrir le caveau   
de Saint Francois d'Assise - Pope Nicholas V opens     
the tomb of Saint Francis of Assisi in  1449.          
Oil on canvas, 221 x 164 cm                            
INV 3559
#401108 6

Le Pape Nicolas V, en 1449, se fait ouvrir le caveau de Saint Francois d'Assi...

Marriage - from the "Dal Pozzo sacraments", a series   
seven paintings done before 1642 for Cassiano dal      
Pozzo (1588-1657).                                     
Canvas, 95,5 x 121 cm

Marriage - from the "Dal Pozzo sacraments", a series seven paintings done bef...

L'extreme onction - the extreme unction, from the      
"Dal Pozzo sacraments",a series of seven paintings,    
done before 1642 for Cassiano dal Pozzo (1588-1657).   
Canvas, 95,5 x 121 cm

L'extreme onction - the extreme unction, from the "Dal Pozzo sacraments",a...