A battle between knights in armour. Mural illustrating the King Arthur cycle in...
Three giants appear between a group of knights in armour, while an unident...
A knight and some foreign visitors are greeted at the gate of a castle.Mur...
A giant brings a prisoner and his horse to King Arthur's tent.Murals in...
Riding armour and horse's armour for Jacob VI, Trapp. Around 1500. Steel, embo...
Havixbeck Castle,Muensterland.
Castel del Monte,built by Friedrich II between 1229 and 1249.Perhaps a simple hu...
Castel del Monte,built by Friedrich II between 1229 and 1249.Perhaps a simple hu...
Fortified castle of Monte Sant'Angelo.The castle was first built around a...
Fortified castle of Monte Sant'Angelo.The castle was first built around a...
Hoechstaedt Castle on the Danube (Germany), in 1704 headquarters of John Churchi...
The Renaissance towngate of Neuburg on the Danube.