The bishop's palace at Heilsberg, Poland, where Nicolas Copernicus...
The bishop's palace at Heilsberg (Lizbark),Poland, where Nicolas Copernicus...
Olstyn (Allenstein) Castle,Poland.
Olstyn (Allenstein) Castle,Poland.
Olstyn (Allenstein) Castle,Poland.
Castle Orth on the moonlit Traunsee-Lake near Gmunden where Franz Schu...
Johannstein Castle, Lower Austria, 1825, painted by Carl Schubert...
A carriage in front of entrance of George Sand's manor house in Nohant, F...
Main facade of the Esterhazy Palace in Eisenstadt, Austria. Four Baroque wi...
Concert Hall where many of Haydn's symphonies and operas were first pe...
Harrach Castle, Rohrau, Lower Austria. The castle stands opposite Haydn's...
Weinzierl Castle, Lower Austria. Oil on canvas