#080510 6
Lid of anthropoid coffin, grotesque style,...
#080510 7
Three coffins with anthropoid lids, grotesque style,...
#080510 8
Slipper shaped coffins with anthropoid lids, grotesque style,...
#080510 9
Chalice decorated with leaves, from the southern shore...
Incense burner and a chain, found in a tomb of the Middle Bro...
Bull-shaped zoomorphic vessel served as a butter-churn. Clay, Israelite Period...
Mirror with handle shaped like a nude girl, found in one of the anth...
Female bust, probably an Ammonite fer...
Bearded male head (Ammonite King), traces of red paint on t...
Mask with six holes used to fasten mask to some idol, fro...
Horse figurine, Cypriot import found at...
Vase repesenting the Egyptian god Bes and a juglet. Egyptian import or an Eg...