Duck-shaped vessel of Tell el-Yhudiyeh Ware, with white-filled decora...
Two anthropomorphic vessels: strainer jug and a flask with a c...
Elongated cornet, from Israel. Pottery decorated with a...
Bowl on a tripod with anthropomorphic legs, from the vicinity of Heb...
Jar with traces of paint, composed of three segmen...
Jug with traces of blue and red paint. Egyptian find at...
Squatting man with crux ansata, from Israel....
Lid of an anthropoid sarcophagus, probably Philistine work...
Thirty-three silver ingots and the terracotta jug in which...
The Alexander Hoard: a small terracotta jug in which 20 drachmas wit...
Bronze pyxis with nine shekels of Tyre minted between 13 BCE an...
Persian gold stater (coin). Persian Period