Modern Architecture
Modern Architecture, including Jugendstil (Art Noveau)
"Tree-tenants" look out from windows and balconies in "Hundertwasser-House"...
Facade above entrance arcade, with gold mosaic. "Hunderwasser-House" in...
Communal wintergarden, seen from outside; house built 1985 by painter an...
Communal wintergarden in the center of the apartment- house built by Friedensr...
Old, wrought-iron staircase in communal wintergarden of the apartment house d...
Covered sidewalk of "Hunderwasser-house", the apartment house designed by painte...
Central staircase of "Hundertwasser-House", the apartment house desi...
Ornaments in corners of staircase were suggested by Hundertwasser, who is...
Staircase of "Hundertwasser-House", Vienna, Kegelgasse. Workers were told to wor...
Staircase of "Hundertwasser-House" designed by painter and architect Friedensre...
Bathroom in one of the apartments in "Hunderwasser- House" in Kegelgasse, Vi...
#140303 1
Postal savings bank (Oesterreichische Postsparkasse), Vienna, 1904-1906. Femal...