339 photos
Portrait bust of Poyneikes,mid 2nd CE                  

Portrait bust of Poyneikes,mid 2nd CE Inv.N.I.1520

Limestone frieze of men and boys,6th dynasty,2300 BCE.
Divided into three registers,all quite different:at the top are
boatbuilders,at the bottom harvesting scenes (left) and
fishing (right).Center register at left musicians and some boys with sticks,one of whom wears a unique lion mask.The
scene may be a protective rite, a harvest rite or perhaps a rite which took place at the onset of puberty.

Limestone frieze of men and boys,6th dynasty,2300 BCE. Divided into three regis...

Ivory figurine Hittite, from Anatolia, 14th-13th century BCE.
The proportions of the figure, lacking curves, show her youth. The pubic triangle was originally inlaid and other parts of the ivory may have been covered in precious metal. The funcion of the figurine is unknown, but ivory was widely used to decorate furniture and there is a dowel hole in the square base of the figure, suggesting it was once attached to something.           ANE, 38185

Ivory figurine Hittite, from Anatolia, 14th-13th century BCE. The proportions o...

Young man with golden cup
Around 1610; Iran, Isfahan
Ink, white and gold; 16,50cm x 8,30cm
OA 7136

Young man with golden cup Around 1610; Iran, Isfahan Ink, white and gold; 16,5...

Torso of a Kouros-statue, around 550 BCE.              
Marble,probably from the islands.                      
MA 687
#030501 5

Torso of a Kouros-statue, around 550 BCE. Marble,probably from the...

Torso of a Kouros-statue, around 550 BCE,reverse side. 
Marble,probably from the islands.                      
MA 687
#030501 6

Torso of a Kouros-statue, around 550 BCE,reverse side. Marble,probably from the...

Kouros-statue, around 540 BCE.                         
From the Asklepeion of Paros.                          
Marble from Paros                                      
MA 3101
#030501 7

Kouros-statue, around 540 BCE. From the Asklepeion of P...

Kouros-statue, around 540 BCE.                         
From the Asklepeion of Paros.                          
Marble from Paros                                      
MA 3101
#030501 8

Kouros-statue, around 540 BCE. From the Asklepeion of P...

Boy and goose.                                         

Boy and goose. Marble

Bronze head of Hypnos, the god of sleep. Copy of a Hellenistic original, found at Civitella d'Arno, near Perugia, Italy. Hypnos was associated with poppies and sleep- inducing herbs. His wings allowed him to move swiftly over land and sea and to fan the foreheads of the weary until they fell asleep.          GR 1868.6-6.9

Bronze head of Hypnos, the god of sleep. Copy of a Hellenistic original, found a...

Marble statue of a kouros; 540 BCE.

Marble statue of a kouros; 540 BCE.

The war-god Skanda, eastern India, 8th09th CE. Skanda is alwyas depicted as a young man; here he holds a spear and wears a tiger-claw necklace. His hair is divided into three strands, characteristic of boyhood. Skanda's vehicle is the peacock and the peacock's fan-tailed feathers cover the rear of the stone stele.                    OA 1872.7-1.66

The war-god Skanda, eastern India, 8th09th CE. Skanda is alwyas depicted as a yo...