Archaistic jade ring in the form of a dragon and a boy, Ming dynasty, 15th-16th...
Three youthful kings confronted by three skeletons, whose poses and gestures mir...
"Jugend" (issue 36, 4 September 1897) - illustrated weekly magazine with cover...
tWO Young ladies on a wagon. Bas-relief from the Akhanton temple...
Harpocrates, the young Horus, son of Horus the Elder and Isis, sitting on a...
Funeral portrait of a young man, 2nd CE Encaustic wax painting o...
Pharaoh Ramses II (1290-1224) represented as a child with youth-braid....
The God Tshed shown as a young prince (with youth- lock over the right ear)...
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Ostracon showing a boy and a pig; the pig feeds from a bowl, the boy cries an...
Nude youth, originally holding offerings in his hands. Cast and chased silver s...
Musician playing a kythara. Early 2nd mill.BCE From Eshnunna (Tell Asma...
Grotesque oil lamp in the form of a squatting black boy...