Wars and Battles
Wars, Battles, Warefare, Soldiers, Weapons etc.
Monument to Queen Louise of Prussia, 1811, Gransee. Queen Louise (1776-1810)...
Base of the statue of general Scharnhorst, hero of Prussia's resistance...
"The Construction of the Ark", Noah and a son building....
"The Construction of the Ark", Noah and a son building....
Cavalier's head from the tomb of a donor Ca. 1300 Church of the Mehrerau monas...
Three soldiers with a ram (siege artillery) forcing open the gate of...
A sling-shot (siege artillery), from "Four Books of Knig...
An attack tower with armed soldiers. From "Four Books of Knig...
Two soldiers with a cannon being fired off, in the background another w...
A vertical cannon (siege artillery) being fired o...
Iziaslav, prince of Kiev, forces Prince Iuri Dolgoruki and his Couman...
Siege of Jerusalem. Codex Justinianus; Institutes, descriptio terrae sanc...